[quote=mndrl;#55979;1336553803]lol I sang the part when I read it XDDD[/quote]

[quote=Lynn;#54818;1336535859]Sheesh. Shouldn't have watched. Speechless. Good thing Kai was there or I have fallen for Kris. I'm weird.[/quote]
Is Kai your bias? just wondering
[quote=Lynn;#56945;1336568327]Haha. Do that. Anywho, forget about the past. There are a lot of Kpop fangirls out there right now. You'll never be left out! )[/quote]
Hahaha, that's right. I'm entering college this school year so I'm sure I can meet many fangirls in the future. lol. And I'm never gonna be left out again, NEVER. XDDDDD
[quote=Lynn;#56945;1336568327]SHINee! Haha. That's Jong's daily exercise that's why he had those muscles. lol.[/quote]
Hahaha, yeah. And I bet Key's always on his butt. lol XDDDD JongKey. XDDD
LOL Wanna share this with you guys. XDDD *But I bet many of you know this na. XDDD*
All of them got embarrased after their aegyo. XDDD Hahaha.
Last edited by HaruhiSDTY (2012-05-09 09:40:37)