[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#57185;1336570673]Is Kai your bias? lol just wondering[/quote]
in EXO, he is. but Kris is now coming to a close 2nd.

[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#57185;1336570673]Hahaha, that's right. I'm entering college this school year so I'm sure I can meet so many fangirls in the future. lol. And I'm never gonna be left out again, NEVER. XDDDDD[/quote]
yeah, that's the good thing in college, you know at the very least what you like and you hang out with the people that like the things that you like. good luck!
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#57185;1336570673]Hahaha, yeah. And I bet Key's always on his butt. lol XDDDD JongKey. XDDD[/quote]

haha. but why is Minho positioned there??

Minho yah! go away! lol.
[quote=HaruhiSDTY;#57185;1336570673]All of them got embarrased after their aegyo. XDDD Hahaha.[/quote]
Sehun is sooo cute! but Kai is cuter!
Question again : any of you who read*past tense*/reads fanfics?
Last edited by Lynn (2012-05-09 09:44:22)