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Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

» FTalkElite
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

@push wahhhhh you read all of it?! o: im so flattered hahahahha thank you. :blush: guys help we need a new character para kay Push :lol3: stripper? taga tinda ng boy bawang?! HHAHAHAHAH (bigla ganun hahaHAHAHAHHA)
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

taga tinda talaga ng boy bawang?! :lol3: Maybe push can be the uhm, cant tell it here hahahaha! i'll pm you :thumbsup:
» FTalkElite
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

A/N: Yayyy guys. Short update. :um: Haha. This one's a bit lively compared to the previous chapter. [hr] [align=center][b]Chapter Two[/b][/align] It was so early in the morning. The weather was so gloomy. And lonely. And just gray. It was as if the heavens died on us. [i]Weird.[/i] I thought the forecast was that today was going to be a beautiful day, with the sun kissing the skies. Maybe the sun will go out later. Hopefully. Nothing looked different at all. Sikyu Ed was indifferent, and he greeted me with a smile. In fact it was kinda weird because he was greeting everybody with a smile. Huh. [i]Nothing looks different, Chaw. Nothing.[/i] I took a deep breath and continued to walk down the hallway. [i]Oh God. Please be here, Paula. Please be here.[/i] I put my head down as the people walked past me. Even they were indifferent. It was like another day in FT High. But why do I get the feeling that nothing is really, okay? I went to the classroom next to ours—Miss Aya’s homeroom class. Nobody was there except Alex. I was going to say Hi and ask how he was, but he just sat on his seat. His eyes were so fixed on the board—nothing was even written on it. I looked closer and saw that his body was mildly shaking. “Alex,” I tried to get his attention. “Alex?” His head tilted upwards and now he was looking at the ceiling, “Don’t enter.” He said in a stern voice and quickly turned to me. [align=center][img][/img][/align] “Asshole,” I cursed under my breath and as soon as I stepped inside the room, he yelled again. “I SAID DON’T GO IN!” I tried to decipher as to why he would say such things–I thought he’s supposed to be one of the nicest guys in this school. I took a step back and apologized, “I don’t understand.” “You won’t and you never will,” his voice broke. “I’m sorry. Please just leave this room, now.” He shook his head down and embraced himself. He looked like he was going to cry. [align=center][img][/img][/align] “Are you fucking kidding me?” I whispered, rolled my eyes and left. [i]Weirdo[/i]. I walked towards our classroom and I was surprised to find out that the lights weren’t even on. The Janitor usually comes before all of us, but now it’s as if he took a leave today. When I turned the lights on, the board wasn’t even erased. [i]Sheesh[/i], I shook my head and took the eraser. Somebody’s definitely getting fired today. I looked over the window, the weather still looked gloomy. A cold breeze entered from the windows, and it blew the hairs on my skin away. [i]Damn.[/i] Isn’t it supposed to be spring?! Seriously was the weatherman lying when he said it’s going to be sunny today?! “Oh my gosh,” Bianca stepped into the room, embracing her backpack and the jacket she was wearing, “Why is it so cold today?!” “No idea,” I frowned and picked up the chalks that kept falling from the board. “Dammit. Bianca, close the window!” “I can’t,” she tried to reach the lever, “It’s too high. Ugh. I wish Kite was here to do it.” “Where is that guy? I thought you guys are always together?” “No idea. He was feeling sick today,” she muttered under her breath, “Today doesn’t look so good. They should have just cancelled school.” “Actually,” I frowned and my heart began to race, “I wanted to go to school today to find Paula.” “Oh yeaaaah,” she chuckled as she pulled her books out, “Sorry we left early yesterday, how was the ride home with her? :eh:” “That’s…the problem,” I felt conflicted, “She didn’t come with me even if she said she was going to.” “Oh,” the excited expression on her face disappeared. “Why?” “She did that to me once, too. Like, she makes people wait for her but in reality she doesn’t really wanna go with them.” “How can you say that? Paula and I know each other are close…I think,” I laughed. “Just sayin,” she sighed, “Didn’t she say she was having family problems? Maybe she won’t be here today. I heard the adoption papers or whatever that is, like, they’re not completely filed yet. Maybe she went to the court with her dad to do that.” It seemed like a valid reason to me so I let the issue drop. [hr] 8:30 AM We opened the windows to see if the weather improved. And it somehow did. The sun stood so far away that there was barely any light in the skies at all, but it was a huge improvement from what it seemed like this morning. “Ugh, what the heck,” Glenice snapped, “I can’t even get signal here!” She walked around the room, and she would light up if she points her phone towards the windows, but if she holds it up to the ceiling, it just doesn’t work. Ecka held hers up to the ceiling, “Same here! Ugh. And here I thought I have the phone line that has the signal everywhere.” Bianca, Glenice and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. [i]Rich people.[/i] :unimpressed: [align=center][img][/img][/align] They’re the ones who have everything that it just “first class” quality. “Why are you even using your phone, Glenice?” “I have to text Greg!” She held her phone to her face, “I have to text him or else he’ll break up with me!” “[i]Sus, maryosep[/i] :rolleyes:,” I sighed and looked away from them. I noticed something from the window. [i]Huh. Ck isn’t here, today.[/i] I shivered in fear as soon as I recalled what happened yesterday. Damn. I guess I am glad he isn’t here today because it would be uncomfortable to even look at him. Especially now—when my seat is just a few inches away from the window. [i]Don’t do that. I’d taste her first.[/i] “Damn,” I cursed in my breath and tried to shut my mind up from the Janitor’s voice. I embraced myself and hoped that it will go away. “Are you okay, Chaw?” Mr. Geni touched my shoulder. “It’s okay if you don’t want to do your daily sketch, today. I understand that artists are very emotion-dependent.” I jerked immediately and looked away, “Y-Yes… Yes I’m fine. I’m sorry.” I stood up and walked down the hallway just to clear my head. I looked over the other classrooms to have my mind occupy something else. I saw the typical subliminal flirting of Miss Aya and Alex. What is up with that? This morning he was cursing me to get out of the room and now he’s all happy and flirting with her? Does he like older women? Is that why Alex has been the one ‘cleaning’ the room after class hours? I continued walking and I saw two people making out on the side. It looked like it was Llyanz and…I couldn’t tell. I waited and spied on them for a bit. [align=center][img][/img][/align] He pulled his head for a second and there I found that it was the School Mascot – Fighting Talong. [align=center][img][/img][/align] “You feel so good baby,” he placed one of his hands inside her skirt, “Better than the Coach.” He pulled in and was about to kiss her again when Llyanz suddenly backed up and kicked him somewhere near his balls. [i]Ooooh. Daaaaamn[/i]. She should have kicked him straight in the balls~ :excited: [align=center][img][/img][/align] “What the hell?!” She tried to push him away but Dondon blocked her and apologized to her. When he was finally able to stand up, he hugged her and kissed her in the neck. I nodded in realization. So Dondon is his name. [i]No wonder why Dondon has joined the Gay Club in the beginning of the semester.[/i] “I’m sorry, just forget about it, baby,” he ran his finger on her hair, “You’re the only one I look at.” It took a while before she was finally convinced. “It better be that way,” and she pulled in to resume their make out session. [i]Wow, she is SO stupid[/i]. This school is so controversial that you can’t even bear to keep track of just one person’s footsteps. Everybody here is so connected. [hr] 12:00 Noon “This is [i]so[/i] weird,” Bianca stopped in front of the Canteen’s doors and started laughing. “This canteen looks so empty.” I frowned, “It’s the weather. And the virus thing going on. People are skip. Plus we’re like, in the middle of the semester. Shit is about to go down for finals. People are skipping here and there.” We found a table that only had three chairs. And we just sat there looking at each other. It [i]does[/i] feel so empty today. No Kite, no Paula. It’s not the same. Plus, Glenice is constantly on her phone, looking for a damn signal so she can text Greg Patola. While the two of them went up to get food, I sat there on the table, just observing the other tables around me. The cheerleader table isn’t full either. Plus they’re not on their typical cheerleader uniform. Probably because it’s so cold today and they would look even more stupid if they went to class naked, and it’s like crazy cold outside. I looked over the table next to them—the jockeys. Hell, what are they doing? Somebody had brought a bottle of Coke and…mentos…and Nutella…? What is this? A playground? I couldn’t help but to feel intrigued, so I just kept on watching them. Christian and Alex pulled out what seemed to me are condoms. And they tore it open and did something with the coke bottle and they put the condoms as the lid of the Coke and just started shaking it. [align=center][img][/img][/align] Coach was right behind them and right before the condom exploded, he stepped in and tried to stop it. “NO COACH, DON’T—” The condom exploded and everything that they mixed in that bottle, everything. Was. On. His. Shirt. [align=center][img][/img][/align] He grabbed everybody’s attention, and all of us in the Canteen fell silent. Next thing you know, everybody was pulling their phones to take a picture of this glorious ruin–even I myself couldn’t resist. I wish Paula was here to see this! “Coach, take off your shirt!” Christian laughed and handed him a clean shirt. [align=center][img][/img][/align] Our mouths fell open, “Oh my god ohmygod ohmygooooooood!” The Coach shook his and I saw him pull a smile on the corner of his lips. “Alright. Let’s just get this over with.” [align=center][img][/img][/align] We all stood up, cheering like gorillas in the zoo. The cheerleaders starter screaming, but most of us—his true fans—squealed because this is actually the first time the public will him half-naked face-to-face (of course I have, but that was in the clinic). I immediately switched the Camera to a Video Recording. [i]Damn. Paula you are so gonna want to see this.[/i] “I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, anyway.” He smiled and immediately took his damn shirt off. [align=center][img][/img][/align] Glenice yelled “Insert big ass abs, everywhereeeee!” The Coach paused and he turned to Dondon, “Dondon, give me my towel. It’s in [i]the[/i] pocket.” Dondon scanned the whole Canteen. And then he offered to wipe his chest, and the Coach gladly accepted the damn offer. [i]Hell, I don’t even need a towel. I’d wipe my whole face on his chest if I could![/i] “Now, now, everybody,” he laughed and shook his hands in the air. [align=center][img][/img][/align] “This is nothing. I’m fine. Now go back to your own business and don’t look at me.” We all laughed and turned away from him. However, I switched my phone in the selfie camera and looked from behind me to see what he was doing. There’s gotta be something going on between those two guys. Coach Bram held Dondon’s hand as he wiped his chest clean. [align=center][img][/img][/align] He seemed as if he was looking into Dondon’s eyes but Dondon just kept his head down, trying to ignore Coach Bram’s face. When they were done, the Coach smiled at him and wore the shirt. He looked around and I think he saw my camera that’s why I turned it off immediately and kept it away. Shit. “You better show that to me after class,” Glenice raised her eyebrow and started laughing. She even choked on her food. “Right. I will. Of course I will,” I giggled and stood up to get my food. After we had lunch, I went ahead and walked towards my last class of the day—a three hour shift in the clinic as the assistant nurse. I think it’s going to be three hours because Miss Bel is going to teach me another skill…maybe putting IV’s. Who knows. As I was walking, I suddenly remembered the path that I was taking. What lies between the Canteen and this hallway is the restroom I saw those two assholes. I was very hesitant to take that path, but there is no other way I’m going to get to the Clinic without passing that damn restroom. So before I resumed walking, I opened my bag and pulled out a pencil. I held that pencil on the side of my thigh just in case I see them and they start chasing me again. [i]Oh God please. Please. Please. Please.[/i] I turned and there it was. The restroom. I sighed in relief as I realized the doors to the restroom were all locked with padlocks. [i]Huh.[/i] I twisted my lips in confusion, but I didn’t want to stay there for so long so I just kept on walking until I got to the clinic. “Why are you late?” [align=center][img][/img][/align] A nurse (a [i]new[/i] nurse?) stopped me from the door. “Oh. Oh-uh. Uh…” I fell speechless. ‘B-Because I had to use the restroom, I’m sorry Miss –“ I tried to read her name badge but I couldn’t figure out if it was “Pushhh” or “Pururu” because it was like a chicken had written her name in cursive. “Push. With three H’s,” she looked down on me, her eyes squinting in suspicion, “The restrooms here are locked. What are you talking about? “Right,” I chuckled awkwardly, “Miss push-shhhhhh.” I walked to her side so I could get in. “Look, I’m sorry. Something came up. But I’m here now, Miss pusHHHHH.” She turned to me and folded her arms, “Miss Bel is a colleague. But she has asked me to substitute for now. She will not be in for a while.” “Oh…” I smiled and turned my back away from her so I could make faces. [align=center][img][/img][/align] I checked every bed in the clinic, and of course, I checked the very last bed—like I always do—but there was no bed in it. Not even the supplies, or the cabinets or anything that used to be in that station. “What happened to this one?” I looked at the floor and found a few drops of blood on it. [i]Ewww.[/i] I pulled the curtain closed. Some girl probably forgot that she has her period today so she asked for a pad here—as usual—in the clinic a while ago and they wore that pad here because the restrooms are closed. [i]What a pig[/i], I thought as I covered my nose in disgust. Whoever it was, she should have at least wiped the floor. “No idea.” She said lifelessly. “Now come back here and let’s start this shift.” [align=center][img][/img][/align] “Ugh,” I whispered. Something's wrong. [i]Everything [b]IS[/b] different.[/i]
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

Oooh. An update. Gunna read. :penguin: I saw you used the gif Woohoo! :lol3:

Last edited by aya (2014-04-02 00:42:16)

» FTalkElite
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

^ Hahahah yes thank you thank you for that! :lol2: Btw, he's so cuteeeeee :drool:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

[img][/img] She looks like phrem omg. :lol3: -- [img][/img] Wahahahahahhaa. :lol3::lol3: @PUSH check out chaw's reaction for you. :xixi: -- [img][/img] Exactly my reaction when I was reading that part. :xixi: [hr][hr] Chapter 2 is sooo up to date. Even has #pururu hahahahhahahahha. :lol3: I enjoyed reading it while I was taking a dump. loljk. :lol3:

Last edited by aya (2014-04-02 01:06:42)

 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

[quote=chaw;#390865;1396412322]I tried to read her name badge but I couldn’t figure out if it was “Pushhh” or “Pururu” because it was like a chicken had written her name in cursive.[/quote] #pururu #madness :lol3: - Nicest update so far :thumbsup: Can't stop laughing at llyanz' and talong's scene :lol3: btw., what's up with the blood? hmm.. :penguin:
 Alex III
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

[quote=chaw;#390865;1396412322][img][/img][/quote] my fav part in all of Doomsday Ftalk so far :lol3: [quote=chaw;#390865;1396412322]We all stood up, cheering like gorillas in the zoo. The cheerleaders starter screaming, but most of us—his true fans—squealed because this is actually the first time the public will him half-naked face-to-face (of course I have, but that was in the clinic).[/quote] Coach has got more game than the entire basketball team. I even imagined the cheers to be louder than those in the Superbowl :lol3:
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

I love this story! :lol3: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] Update na!
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

Update please.... :yes:
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

I didn't know you're a good writer Chaw :) I read all of it ;)
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

Chaw :lol3: dont be so entertained with kuya don's story update this also please :lol3:
» FTalkElite
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

okay okay okay i'll update this thread. Gah can i just ask somebody to move this in the non-english thread? I don't think yall understand how hard it is for me to write stories in english :lol3:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

[quote=chaw;#399883;1398170208]okay okay okay i'll update this thread. Gah can i just ask somebody to move this in the non-english thread? I don't think yall understand how hard it is for me to write stories in english :lol3:[/quote] :thumbsup: it's a romcom now ryt? :lol: and a taglish story? Or not? The janitor and the coach won't understand taglish tho
» FTalkElite
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

lmao hhahahaha actually i'm not sure yet. I'll prolly think about it :( I might update this later if I find the time. I just need to find horror inspiration so I can start killing these people in my story :lol3: thankyou bianx :kiss:
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

Okidoki then author, we'll wait. Take your time. Let your nose's wound heal first. :xixi: so it will stop bleeding :thumbsup:
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

ive read it woooooooooooooaah good update :eh: that scene with alex was pretty creepy i must say. o_______O i want more of this creepy stuff. and omeged when the coach stripped, i just lost it mwahahahah :drool: love love this horror x libog genre :thumbsup:
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

[quote]“You feel so good baby,” he placed one of his hands inside her skirt, “Better than the Coach.”[/quote] Damn. that fighting talong is a maniac :facepalm::lol2: [quote]He pulled in and was about to kiss her again when Llyanz suddenly backed up and kicked him somewhere near his balls. Ooooh. Daaaaamn. She should have kicked him straight in the balls~ :excited:[/quote] Ouch! i hope she doesn't break my balls :swt: that really hurt alot :lol2: [quote]“What the hell?!” She tried to push him away but Dondon blocked her and apologized to her. When he was finally able to stand up, he hugged her and kissed her in the neck. I nodded in realization. So Dondon is his name. No wonder why Dondon has joined the Gay Club in the beginning of the semester.[/quote] what the... :doubt: he's a rapist, call a police :lol2:
» FTalkElite
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Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

Have fun with this one :thumbsup: I'll just do short updates from now on. Too much is too much :lol2: [hr] [align=center][img][/img] [b]Chapter 3[/b][/align] “Ouch!” “Aaaaaand, you are all set!” I smiled diabolically as I [i]gently[/i] put the band-aid on Ecka’s arm. “Sheesh, be careful.” She kissed the bruise on her arm, “This is a socialite’s skin.” I rolled my eyes and went back to Miss Push’s desk. I saw my backpack lying on the ground. It’s supposed to be on the desk just like the way I left it three hours ago. She must have kicked it off the side. [i]This bitch[/i]. Oh and by the way, why is she on the phone? “Yes, I know that…NO!” She kicked the desk…and then she glared at me. I looked away and just took my backpack. “No. Baby you’re not gay. Stop saying things like that! We’re meant for each other, remember?!” From the corner of my eyes I saw her put her head down on the desk. Is she crying? [i]What an unusual sight.[/i] “What an asshole,” she broke down in tears. [align=center][img][/img][/align] I stepped closer, and placed my hand on her shoulder, “Are you okay?” “Well, what the hell do you think?!” Her nostrils were wet and…[i]Ew! Is that snot?! Why is it green?![/i] I stepped back and tried to look for the tissue. [i]Shit.[/i] We ran out of tissue. Miss Push looked up at me. “I need a hug.” [i]Um…okay?[/i] “It’s okay, Push.” I whispered as I put my arms around her. “It’s okay.” She immediately threw herself at me and hugged me and then next thing I know her face is buried on my shoulder and I could feel my left shoulder starting to get wet and then she started crying like a mad woman, and then by the minute I could feel my shoulder getting warmer and warmer and then a few minutes later my shoulder was wet and I was so grossed out but I couldn’t do anything because the poor miss Nurse is balling like a four year old on my freaking shoulder. [align=center][img][/img][/align] “Push, it’s okay…”I whispered and tried to let go of her so as to signal that the hug is already over and that I kinda wanna wipe my shoulder now. [align=center][img][/img][/align] “No!” She let go and she wiped her nose with her palms and then she put her arms AND hands on me and I could feel her grip on me and I think she was wiping her hands using my clothes. I looked up and teared up a bit. I JUST BOUGHT THIS SHIRT TWO DAYS AGO AND IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE MY FAVORITE SHIRT WHAT THE FUCK [align=center][img][/img][/align] I mustered up the courage to let go of the poor woman. “Push,” I slightly pushed her and when she really didn’t wanna let go, I yelled. “OKAYWE’REDONEHERE!!!” [align=center][img][/img][/align] There. I did it. I pushed her. Maybe I pushed her too hard because she fell on the floor. “I’m sorry,” I stood up looking a bit disoriented and stupid, “UH…I have to go. It’s almost 5pm.” Her arms were coming at me when I took a step back and ran away, “Really, Miss!!! IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF YOUR BOYFRIEND IS GAY!!!” [i]Oh god.[/i] I tried to catch my breath. Oh god why is that woman crazy. Where is Miss Bel anyway? God I miss her. She’s so nice. Plus she’s not delirious like that blue-eyed crazy biatch. Every time during my shift I always end up being scolded at or being the cold shoulder that she has to lean on whenever she fights with her gay boyfriend on the phone. It’s been a week already and I don’t think I can take it anymore :( I was going to take a left turn to the main door when I saw Alex alone at the hallway. I took a step back to check again if that was really him. And it was. It looked like he was trying to open the door but he eventually opened it and got in. Hmm. He’s been staying a lot in that classroom of theirs more often. I wonder what’s up? :/ I looked behind me, back and forth just to check if anybody is still walking. But there were no more people left. So I decided to turn my gossip radar on and walked towards their room with really…really…silent steps. I could hear faint breathing. Faint…but rapid. From the corner of the windows, I saw Alex’s back. Wrapped around his back was a pair of arms. I squinted my eyes. [align=center][img][/img][/align] Oh, and a pair of legs too. :wtf2: I was about to take my phone out to get a photo when I saw him looked over the window—at my direction! [i]Shit![/i] I ducked and closed my eyes. “I’m sorry, Aya.” My eyes widened in disbelief. [i]Aya? Dafaqqqqqq? So it’s true?![/i] :wtf2: I slowly looked up just to see them. “Alex, baby, what’s wrong? You don’t want me anymore?” She pulled him in even closer and she ran her two hands through his hair. “No baby,” he kissed her, “It’s this room. We can’t do it here.” “Why?” She frowned, “I really want it now.” “I said no,” his voice was persuasive.” [align=center][img][/img][/align] She glared at her and pushed him away, “WHY?! You do know that I can fail you in my class, right?” He didn’t respond. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TODAY?! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS FUCK ME AND THAT’S IT. WHY CAN’T YOU DO THAT?! IT’S BEEN TWO DAYS!” [align=center][img][/img][/align] He started to look above the ceiling. “WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?!” Again. He didn’t respond. She finally blew it off, and then she buttoned her shirt. “Dammit. Forget this.” [i]Oh shit oh shit I have to leave before they see me![/i] I closed my mouth and started to squat just in case I have to run when she opens the door. “Don’t leave.” Alex suddenly took her hand and he just started crying. “You’ll get hurt.” What he said afterwards freaked the living shit out of me. [i][b]“Because someone else is here.”[/b][/i] [align=center][img][/img][/align]

Last edited by chaw (2014-04-25 02:46:23)

 Alex III
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Se7en Deadly Sins

Re: Doomsday Ftalk -- UPDATED CH3

Omfg you took PUSH's name into its literal meaning I have been laughing for 500 years :lol3::lol3: [quote=chaw;#401114;1398408298]He started to look above the ceiling.[/quote] [quote=chaw;#401114;1398408298]“Because someone else is here.”[/quote] :scared: This version of me gives me the creeps. [quote=chaw;#401114;1398408298]My eyes widened in disbelief. Aya? Dafaqqqqqq? So it’s true?! :wtf2: I slowly looked up just to see them.[/quote] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [img][/img]

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