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Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

8 years old hehe. 3rd grade :d
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=chaw;#408688;1399793766]8 years old hehe. 3rd grade :d[/quote] WHAT? WHERE DO YOU GO? :lol3:
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

My friend's house next to our school. Or sometimes to the mall. Or to a city far away from Home :lol3: Dang. My mom would make me kneel down as she'll just start hitting me with one of those extra large ketchup containers. .____. Thats why I got traumatized and then I stopped doing my adventures on my own. :lol2:
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=aya;#408687;1399793716]Maybe your dad loves you too much and he's bad at expressing it. He is way too over protective of you but yea fishball sauce is lethal these days. He wants the best for you that is why he is strict; he wants you to fear him so you would always listen to him.[/quote] Then why would he get mad whenever I'm at dance practice? :ohno: But yeah, maybe. :lol2: My mom said they both had complicated lives. But I still don't get him and he doesn't get me and my anxiety. :lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=chaw;#408692;1399794099]Or sometimes to the mall. Or to a city far away from Home :lol3:[/quote] Dafuq? Can't even walk around our old 'village' alone at age 8. :lol3::lol3::lol3: [quote=chaw;#408692;1399794099]she'll just start hitting me with one of those extra large ketchup containers.[/quote] The one that looks like a gasoline container? :lol3: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. I AM SO SORRY. I tried imagining it and it just looked so funny. HAHAHAHHAAHA. The heck? Ketchup Bottle? Was it empty? But ya knw, if she rly was sick she couldn't help herself from doing that to you. [quote=SkylineGoddess;#408693;1399794222]Then why would he get mad whenever I'm at dance practice? :ohno:[/quote] He's worried that you were probably somewhere else goofing around? :lol: [quote=SkylineGoddess;#408693;1399794222]and my anxiety. :lol3:[/quote] I was also super anxious when I was in Highschool like everytime they call my name or say "We need to talk", I get really scared and think about all the things I did in the past 24 hours. HAHAHAHHAHAA.

Last edited by aya (2014-05-11 05:54:23)

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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

I quite understand my parents now. Just saw this on my Facebook feed. :lol3: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler]

Last edited by SkylineGoddess (2014-05-11 05:28:17)

 Alex III
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

My dad has a very dangerous temper and he's either violent or dead-silent when he's angry. There's nothing in-between. So when I get him mad at me, I would rather he doesn't show up for months than dodge the things he attempts to throw at me. I experienced receiving a blow of an angry hand, belt, phone, glass of water, bottle of lotion, and anything that's within his reach :lol2: most of the time, the reason for this is when I "disappoint" him by not listening to the plans he lays out for me. So I grew up having a boss-employee-like relationship with my father. Hitting your kid for discipline isn't always good. It's a trauma for some. [quote=SkylineGoddess;#408743;1399800468]I quite understand my parents now. Just saw this on my Facebook feed. :lol3:[/quote] dafuq :lol3::lol3::lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=SkylineGoddess;#408743;1399800468]I quite understand my parents now.[/quote] I can relate. :xixi: [quote=Tres;#408781;1399802288]So I grew up having a boss-employee-like relationship with my father.[/quote] You always mention your dad. Where's your mom?
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

I was dora hahahahha And yes that gasoline container. Dude she would slam that on my 8-year-old face hahahahaha not a ketchup bottle but the super large container. Like an XXL TIDE detergent plastic container :lol2:

Last edited by chaw (2014-05-11 06:09:05)

 Alex III
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=aya;#408785;1399802498]You always mention your dad. Where's your mom?[/quote] She lives with my granmum-mom's side. Mom is too lovable for me to have anything to rant about her :lol3: [quote=chaw;#408792;1399802910]not a ketchup bottle but the super large container. Like an XXL TIDE detergent plastic container :lol2:[/quote] nigga i thought you were talking about the bottle. i was all :o

Last edited by Tres (2014-05-11 06:14:01)

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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

@tres if she did that I'll prolly just kill myself instead!!! HAHAHAHHA i remember my tito, he used to put newspaper on his butt in his brief/boxers whenever he finds out he's in trouble. Then he said he would just pretend that it hurts and he'll cry just to make himself believable. Eventually of course, my grandma found out :lol2:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=chaw;#408792;1399802910]And yes that gasoline container. Dude she would slam that on my 8-year-old face hahahahaha not a ketchup bottle but the super large container. Like an XXL TIDE detergent plastic container :lol2:[/quote] Yup, I got it. The one that looks like this? [img][/img] But omg, why on the face? I was never hit on the face when I was a kid. :ohno: Just on the butt/hands and the occasional kurot.
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

Yesss. But it was an empty one. Well I'm not sure. She has bad anger issues hahahaha she grew up the same way I did. Thats why i dont want kids either because I'm aware of my anger issues and I don't want to blindly do such things to my children esp when I get mad. Guys, take child psychology before you get preggers and have a kid. :lol2: time to put an end to this "cultural" spanking thing. Too much is too much. :B
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

I was I think 5 years old when my mom slapped me 'coz I was so kulit and she was in a bad mood. That's the only hitting I could remember. My mom and dad would usually just talk to us about our being stubborn. Sometimes they just shout, but would eventually calm down. I don't know. I asked them why, they said they think it's the best way to discipline us rather than spanking or hitting us on the butt or wherever. Haha.

Last edited by Dayannn (2014-05-11 19:42:18)

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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

yes but always spanked on the butt :aaa:
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

I'm a lucky kid 'cause they never hit me or spank me when I was a kid :)
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

I remember when I was in the 5th grade, I took the bottle of my mom's favorite perfume to school (i also like the scent so much and usually, i would just spray some before going to school, but that day I brought it to school without asking for her permission). Then what happened at school was, I accidentally broke the bottle after smashing it I think into a post... and I didnt even noticed until I went home and then my mom had asked about it. When I opened my bag, there were liquids of the perfume everywhere, and it was mostly absorbed by my towel. And that's when she lost it, and started doing her usual punishment: with the hitting of belts and making me kneel down and all... but this time, harder. It's like she was possessed or something, and then all I could think of was how she can have the stomach to hurt her own child over a stupid bottle of perfume. She could've killed me that time because there werent anyone at home to stop her, it was only me and my mom. And it broke my heart so much, I remember cursing her and even promised to get even with her when I grew up... it had scarred me so much... but ofc, I know better now. I ady forgave her, but sometimes I think about it and it just pains me all over. :( I should hate my mom, for all her pagkukulang to me while I grew up, she deprived me of almost everything, sometimes I think she hates me deep inside just because of the fact that I am my father's daughter. But what can I do? She's all I got. =| Hayyyyyyyyyyy this thread gives me the feels.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=Pawws;#430270;1427814053]Then what happened at school was, I accidentally broke the bottle after smashing it I think into a post[/quote] How can you accidentally smash a bottle of perfume on a post? :lol3: [quote=Pawws;#430270;1427814053]sometimes I think she hates me deep inside just because of the fact that I am my father's daughter.[/quote] I don't understand. [quote=Pawws;#430270;1427814053]because there werent anyone at home to stop her, it was only me and my mom. And it broke my heart so much, I remember cursing her and even promised to get even with her when I grew up... it had scarred me so much...[/quote] T___T
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

[quote=aya;#430278;1427834510]How can you accidentally smash a bottle of perfume on a post? :lol3:[/quote] I remember chasing a friend, and hitting him countless times with my bag. I forgot I had brought the bottle with me, so it must have hit the walls and posts inside the school while we were running... I was basically throwing my bag at him, so there. :lol2: [quote=aya;#430278;1427834510]I don't understand.[/quote] She and my dad are ady broken up, she would tell me sometimes when she gets drunk how much she hates him, and that she would never forgive him for what he had done to her... and although she would laugh, I knew how serious she was. Now I just feel like she doesnt love me as much because of that... because I grew up being close to him (bc most of the time she was abroad working), and she must think I'm on his side, instead of hers. I was just being fair though, I was just giving my dad the benefit of the doubt bc he wasn't there to speak for himself during those times. =|
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Re: Did Your Parents Spank/Hit You When You Were a Kid?

Yes. because I was so [i]makulet [/i]when I was a kid, they use hanger or belt to spank me hahaha :lol3:

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