[quote=chaw;#399660;1398146510]So you wont make out with any guy at all? anymore? Hahahahhaa [color=red]Yes. Unless he's the one.

Do you think you're vulnerable when you're drunk? [color=red]Unfortunately, yes. [/color]
What happened to your first kiss? [color=red] I was drunk.

Do you like momol-ing in public? [color=red] NOPE. [/color]
Why did you major in statistics? [color=red] It was suggested by my parents. I gave it a go and got accepted. [/color]
How many pageants have you been in? (i saw your model photoZz

) [color=red] I dont do pageantz

Those are just school fashion shows I joined in. [/color]
Do you plan to model in the future just for fun? [color=red] Yaaaas [/color][/quote]
[quote=bianx;#399786;1398160442]Waaaaa am i late?

[color=red] hi Bianx!

it's just Wednesday, so no, you're not late. Haha [/color]
Congrats nenya!

[color=red] Thank you, bianx!

If you were to choose between hello kitty and garfield, which cat will you choose? [color=red] Garfield is more realistic and fat. So I choose Garfield. [/color]
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? [color=red]Pistachio [/color]
Do you dance? [color=red] Si.

Do you sing? [color=red] Si.

Can you draw like a pro? [color=red] No

how I wish. [/color]
What is your plan after college? [color=red] twerk! I mean work

Congrats in advance gagraduate kanaaaaa

[color=red]Huhu thank youuu! :love2:[/color][/quote]
[quote=michelle;#399814;1398163258]Hi ninch! Yeah michelle is ate mikay

[color=red] yeay

I remember riz calls you poknat or is it boknat, where did that come from and what does it mean? [color=red] It was boknat!

or boks (shortcut for boknat)

Boknat means a bald spot in the head.

Have you witnessed the annual (?) oblation run in your school? If yes, then pls make kwento how crazy it all was, your reaction etc..

[color=red] Yes. Just once. December 2012, lunchtime

Naked boys ran around one of the buildings haha. There were a lot of people, girls and gays alike were present. Hahaha. The naked men gave flowers to different girls while they ran. So sad, I wasnt given a rose.

Haha It was a weird experience because it's my first time to see peens of strangers and they're small. Not what I expected. But one of them had a big one.

and they all have dark butts. So weird

Where do you plan to work after college? [color=red] BDO, HSBC, IHG, or SAS [/color]Any dream company? [color=red] IHG (Intercontinental Hotels Group) [/color]
Do you also sing like nina the ambulance diva/singing ambulance whatever her title is [color=red] Hahahaha ambulance diva!

it's soul siren. XD and nope I dont sing like her. She's soprano. I'm alto. She can hit really high notes. I can't.

Hypothetical questions... [color=red] whyyyyyy

If bram asked you to be slutty with him (say inside the cinema or in a park near trinoma

), would you consider it? [color=red]Nope. I won't entertain the thought of being slutty with anyone

You're aware that he has a gf but he told you that it'll be your secret (if you say yes), what is the probability that it will remain a secret? [color=red] 1/2 Either it will remain a secret or not. [/color]What are the odds that you will not get busted by the gf? (Is my question even correct?

) [color=red]again 1/2[/color]
If you're the gf and you found out about it, what will be your reaction like? [color=red]I'd be angry, ofc! Haha Prolly, I will slap him and tell him how an asshole he is even though he already knows that.

Hafeez is in the manila, asked you out on a romantic date. Would you go and get to know him- maybe he's not that weird in person

- or make some excuse? Why? [color=red] I'd go just to confirm whether he's really weird.

You got your dream job in your dream company. You have a pervert boss (amazing wife,2 adorable kids) who wants to get into your pants. He asked you. You say yes, you get promotion. You say no, you lose your dream job+no referral+bad repu. How will you play this. Explain. [color=red] Fuck this question. So hard.

I will stand by my principles. I will fight for my dignity. I'd say NO and then do whatever I can to redeem myself. If he can do something like that to me, he probably already did it with his previous employees. I'll open up to some of my co-workers about what he did to me. I'd get a lawyer, bring this to the court, prove to everyone that he's a pervert so I can bring back my reputation if I win the case.[/color][/quote]

If you and me and michelle were trapped in an elevator and we had to wait 2 hours for help to come then I sticked out my jumbo hotdog things started to heat up would you join us for a threesome

or just watch

[quote=michelle;#400021;1398177992]We'll just watch you bram. Bahala ka sa buhay mo. Hahahaha.[/quote]

[quote=Jirichi;#400015;1398177667]Congrats ninch!

[color=red]Thanks, Yuuna!

- -
On what age are you planning to get married? [color=red] 24, 25, 26, or 27 [/color]
Which one do you prefer, a gentle boy or a bad boy? [color=red] gentle boy[/color]
If you're going to get married (later) and someone offer you an opportunity to held marriage overseas, will u take it? [color=red] Maybe.

If so, which country / place you want it to be? [color=red]In Italy.


[color=red] Thanks, Bridget

What are your top 5 favorite movies? [color=red] 1. Tangled, 2. Frozen, 3. Silver Linings Playbook, 4. Catching Fire, 5. One More Chance [/color]
Do you like sweets? [color=red] Yes. But not that much. I prefer salty. [/color]
Are you a dancer or a singer? [color=red] More of a singer now. [/color]
What is your favorite anime genre? [color=red] Shoujo [/color]
Top 5 favorite anime characters?[color=red] 1. Detective Conan, 2. Mikasa Ackerman, 3. Captain Levi, 4. Hanamichi Sakuragi, 5. Jean [/color][/quote]