[quote=aya;#399450;1398080927]List all the junk food that you love to eat.

Pizza, Chips, French Fries, Burger, Coke
[quote=des;#399455;1398084287]Congrats Ninch.

[color=red] Thanks Des!

Since you're in UP, what are your orgs from 1st year to present? [color=green] UP Statistical Society[/color] and [color=blue]UP Subol Society Diliman Chapter [/color]

Are you still planning to join other orgs? If yes, what Orgs? [color=red]not anymore

If you are given a chance to study again, what course would you take? [color=red] Prolly Engineering or Economics [/color]
Why UP? [color=red] because I passed the UPCAT

and because my parents want to [/color]
Who's the ftalker that you want to meet the most? [color=red]admin

Give us your best Old Ftalk memory. And then the worst. [color=red]I forgot!

jk. I think my best ftalk memory is when The Scandalers members had a yahoo messenger group chat.

We heard each other's voices. LOL The worst was when I got my first negative repu

I forgot who gave it tho. [/color]
Describe me in old ftalk. Then describe me now.

[color=red] You in old ftalk - Nene

(we all are). You now - definitely an grown-up lady

Describe another 5 Ftalkers that you know then and now.
@Dondon - friendly. still friendly
@Belle - super active
@asawanibatman - loves to take pictures of herself
@khuya.brye - he's out now

@michelle - she was ate Mikay before, right? XD[/color]
What is your impression about these ftalk hensems:
[color=red]Anes - Mysterious
Hafeez - Crazy guy

Dondon - Pogi

Gab - Flirtatious

Sir Bob - Dad [/color][/quote]

- What's your favorite pizza topping? [color=red] Bacon

- You're in a casino and you have to play with 100000php worth of token, would you play roulette of blackjack? [color=red]No. I'd invest it or use it to start a business [/color]
- If there's a new mainstream medical technology that enables you to transplant your pube hair into eyebrows would you do it? [color=red] Nope

I'd stick with drawing [/color]
- Among your roommates which one is the closest to you, and why? [color=red] The most attractive one. Because I share more secrets with her than the others.[/color] What's her position# in the prev attractiveness list? [color=red] #1 [/color]
- What's the sluttiest thing you've ever done in the last 3 months? [color=red]Nothing slutty for the last 3 months.

[quote=aya;#399491;1398100316]Movie Questions
-What is the scariest movie you've seen so far? [color=red] [i]El Labirinto del Fauno[/i]

-The most romantic? [color=red] Tangled[/color]
-The stupidest? [color=red] Hangover III [/color]
-How often do you watch movies? [color=red] Weekends and holidays [/color]
-Who are you usually with? [color=red] my roommates[/color]
-What type of snacks do you usually buy? [color=red] Pasta, bread, chips, french fries [/color]
-What do you do when you suddenly feel like peeing in the middle of the movie? [color=red] I go to the CR

and miss a minute or two [/color]
-What's the sluttiest thing you ever did in the theater? [color=red]Cuddle cuddle

-Have you ever cried inside the movie house? If yes, what's the movie? [color=red]Nope [/color]
-Who's the ftalker of the opposite sex you'd want to watch movies with? [color=red] Tres [/color]
-If the whole ftalk's gunna get sucked up in a fictional world, what movie will it be?

[color=red]Divergent [/color]
-If the whole ftalk is in a horror movie, who is going to die first? [color=red] Hazeef[/color]Who is going to be the hero? [color=red]Sir Bob[/color]What will be the monster/antagonist?[color=red]virus[/color][/quote]
[quote=eizeeiz;#399504;1398105788]Congraaaats, pinyaaaa!


Thanks Eiz, Thanks Gab

If you don't mind me asking, what happened that night? What happened before the kiss? Would you do it again?[/quote]
It was my high school friend's 18th birthday. She invited friends from college. She introduced her friends. The guy went to me. We exchanged conversations and then he asked for my number. We were drinking.

I won't do it again. Ever. hahaha
Last edited by ninch (2014-04-22 01:38:14)