[quote=bramzero;#399489;1398099645]If there's a new mainstream medical technology that enables you to transplant your pube hair into eyebrows would you do it?[/quote]
The fuck is this question?

Movie Questions
-What is the scariest movie you've seen so far?
-The most romantic?
-The stupidest?
-How often do you watch movies?
-Who are you usually with?
-What type of snacks do you usually buy?
-What do you do when you suddenly feel like peeing in the middle of the movie?
-What's the sluttiest thing you ever did in the theater?
-Have you ever cried inside the movie house? If yes, what's the movie?
-Who's the ftalker of the opposite sex you'd want to watch movies with?
-If the whole ftalk's gunna get sucked up in a fictional world, what movie will it be?

-If the whole ftalk is in a horror movie, who is going to die first? Who is going to be the hero? What will be the monster/antagonist?