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[table][tr][td][align=center][size=4][url=]ninch[/url][/size][/align][/td][/tr][/table][table] [tr][td rowspan=6][imgview=][img=138x200][/img][/imgview][/td] [td]Real Name[/td][td]Niña Rose S. Lucero[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Age/DOB[/td][td]19/ June 4, 1994[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Lives In[/td][td]Quezon City[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Hobbies[/td][td]Singing, Jogging, Playing Pou[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Occupation[/td][td]Student[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Personal Tagline[/td][td]Keep moving forward.[/td][/tr][/table][table] [tr][td][align=center][i]Tell us something about you...[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td]I'm taking up Statistics. I love cats. :lol2: Among my group of friends, I'm usually the slow one. They say i'm always sabaw (spaced out), which is kinda true. :| But I love myself. I definitely won't trade my life and self with another person...well except if that person is Beyoncé :lala: I'm a big fan of Beyoncé and Regine Velasquez. [/td][/tr] [tr][td][align=center][i]What brought you to the FTalk?[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td]I was browsing for Friendster Layouts here as a guest. Then one day, I decided to register because some posts can't be seen by guest. :lol2:[/td][/tr] [tr][td][align=center][i]Other comments[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td]I love Ftalk!!! :excited:[/td][/tr] [tr][td][align=center][i]Trivia[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I took an online quiz on which country should I have been born in and I got Italy :love: I always dreamed of living in Italy and I'd like to think that in another life, I was an Italian (io sono bella ragazza :lol2:) and that the love of my life is a painter. [/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I'm sad because me and my roommates are going to part ways in a week or two :( [/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li] I watch Suits, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met your Mother, and Community[/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I have super thin eyebrows.[/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I'll be graduating soon! :excited2:[/li][/td][/tr][/table] [align=center]FTW#27[/align]
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: ninch

Congrats lablab. :hug: What is it about cats that you specifically love? :lol: Where is Nereid Sea? What do you usually think about when you're spaced out? What do you like best about your roommate? Do you draw on your eyebrows? [b]ANNNNNNNNNNDDD WHO IS YOUR FTALK CRUSH[/b]? :lol3::lol3:
» FTalker
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Re: ninch

i like beyonce too :xixi: [spoiler][img][/img][/spoiler] -- how many bfs did you have? which came first the chicken or egg?
Principe Azheef
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Re: ninch

Congratz Ms Ninch! Statistic wow...itz fun and challengin...I took bankin coz itz optional module for us...and I love doin projects...rofl....Im wishin you all the best for your Statics hun. Amffff btw you did mention bout bein space out and slow? Waaakakaaaa....theres nothin wrong with bein slow...because you are slow and steady...I knew you are cool person. Have fun DWUW! :lol3: :hug:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2014-04-20 12:05:09)

 Alex III
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Re: ninch

GRATS NINCH! :cheers: What is your reaction to the finale of HIMYM?
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Re: ninch

What is the color of your Pou?

Mao: "Unless the problem of method is solved, talk about the task is useless."
ninch's display avatar
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Re: ninch

Immediately? :o Okay. :lol2: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]Congrats lablab.[/quote] Thanks lablab. :hug: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]What is it about cats that you specifically love?[/quote] They chase rats and cockroaches. They clean themselves using their tongue. :lick: And, they're very sophisticated. :thumbsup: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]Where is Nereid Sea?[/quote] I honestly don't know. :lol2: I just got it from the 7ds description, which you made. lol where is Nereid Sea? :lol3: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]What do you usually think about when you're spaced out?[/quote] Random stuff. So many things going on inside my head. My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. :lol: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]What do you like best about your roommate?[/quote] We are 6 in our room and I like how we can have real talk about love, future, and many other things. We share the same wavelengths and were clingy. :love: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]Do you draw on your eyebrows?[/quote] Yes. I have to. :xixi: [quote=aya;#399147;1398008449]ANNNNNNNNNNDDD WHO IS YOUR FTALK CRUSH?[/quote] Classic question. :lol3: Chan and Tres and you and Chaw and Paws. So many. :love: :kiss: [quote=Chan;#399148;1398008995]i like beyonce too[/quote] THEM BOOBIES. :wow: Hahaha [quote=Chan;#399148;1398008995]how many bfs did you have? which came first the chicken or egg?[/quote] Chicken. [quote=Principe Azheef;#399149;1398009019]Congratz Ms Ninch! Statistic wow...itz fun and challengin...I took bankin coz itz optional module for us...and I love doin projects...rofl....Im wishin you all the best for your Statics hun. Amffff btw you did mention bout bein space out and slow? Waaakakaaaa....theres nothin wrong with bein slow...because you are slow and steady...I knew you are cool person. Have fun DWUW![/quote] WTH, Zheef. Hahahaha Thanks! [quote=Tres;#399154;1398009404]GRATS NINCH![/quote] Thanks, Alex! [quote=Tres;#399154;1398009404]What is your reaction to the finale of HIMYM?[/quote] I watched it the other day and I have to agree with most people - it's disappointing. I think the ending itself is appropriate but the way it was executed just sucks. Plot twists everywhere. It was so rushed. Also, Robin's bob hair doesn't help at all.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: ninch

[quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]They chase rats and cockroaches.[/quote] Some dogs too. :lol: [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]They clean themselves using their tongue. :lick:[/quote] Dogs clean their balls with their tongue. :lol3::lol3: [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]And, they're very sophisticated. :thumbsup:[/quote] :plotting: Do you think dogs look dumb? :lol2: [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]where is Nereid Sea? :lol3:[/quote] @Tres where is Nereid Sea? :lol3: [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. :lol:[/quote] [img][/img] [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]We share the same wavelengths and were clingy. :love:[/quote] All of you are sabaw? :lol3::lol3: [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]Yes. I have to. :xixi:[/quote] Who taught you how to do this? [quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]Classic question. :lol3: Chan and Tres and you and Chaw and Paws. So many. :love: :kiss:[/quote] Tres or Chan? and why?
 Alex III
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Re: ninch

[quote=ninch;#399173;1398011572]Also, Robin's bob hair doesn't help at all.[/quote] Why do you sound like you have a grudge on Robin's hair omfg :lol3::lol3: What makes you think the love of your life is a painter? What kind of painter are you talking about in here anyway? Is it like the kind of painter who paints exhibits or immortalizes live people into a canvas or what :lol3: [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]@Tres where is Nereid Sea? :lol3:[/quote] How am I supposed to know this?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Re: ninch

[quote=Tricia;#399161;1398010612]What is the color of your Pou?[/quote] Brown [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]Dogs clean their balls with their tongue.[/quote] Really? I haven't seen one. :lol3: [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]Do you think dogs look dumb?[/quote] Kinda. :xixi: They're sweeter than cats. I like dogs too, okay. XD [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]ninch wrote [?]: My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations. [img][/img][/quote] I just got that from Augustus Waters :thumbsup: [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]All of you are sabaw?[/quote] Yes yes. :lol3: We have our own sabaw moments. [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]Who taught you how to do this?[/quote] No one. But my cousin gave tips on how to improve my drawing. [quote=aya;#399177;1398011867]Tres or Chan? and why?[/quote] Hard question :wasted: Chan bec I know him even before the old FT
 Shella B
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Re: ninch

Congratz :heart: Have you ever been overseas ? if yes where? What is your ideal self?describe it [spoiler]I hope you don't mind if ask some questions :dumb:[/spoiler]
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: ninch

[quote=ninch;#399187;1398013234]Really? I haven't seen one. :lol3:[/quote] [spoiler][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/spoiler] [quote=ninch;#399187;1398013234]I like dogs too, okay. XD[/quote] I was just asking. :xixi: Do you have a cat? What is the best cat breed for you? [quote=ninch;#399187;1398013234]No one. But my cousin gave tips on how to improve my drawing.[/quote] How do you draw on your eyebrows? [quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]How am I supposed to know this?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/quote] You might know. :lol3::lol3: I am complicated. HAHAHAHHAHA. [quote=FTalk Enforcer;#399143;1398007874]I watch Suits, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met your Mother, and Community[/quote] What else? :lol: [hr][hr][hr][hr] Ftalk questions: 1.) What is your favorite thread at the moment? 2.) Your favorite ftalker of all time? And why? 3.) What is your favorite FT smiley? 4.) What FT smiley do you hate? 5.) Who is the ftalker you can't seem to get along with? 6.) What do you think of all the members in 7DS? (Please describe each) 7.) Who are your top 3 closest friends outside 7DS? 8.) What do you think is chan's best physical asset? 9.) Who is the funniest ftalker? The scariest? The meanest? 10.) Which FT sub-forum is your favorite? Least favorite?
ninch's display avatar
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Re: ninch

[quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]Why do you sound like you have a grudge on Robin's hair omfg[/quote] because it just doesn't fit. :lol3: [quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]What makes you think the love of your life is a painter?[/quote] because I like someone right now and he's a painter. [quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]What kind of painter are you talking about in here anyway? Is it like the kind of painter who paints exhibits or immortalizes live people into a canvas or what[/quote] Not something like that. :lol3: Just the painter who paints on non-living canvass. :thumbsup: But why not? :xixi: [quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]How am I supposed to know this?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/quote] Is this addressed to me or aya? :lol3: [quote=Chou99;#399189;1398013506]Congratz Have you ever been overseas ? if yes where? What is your ideal self?describe it[/quote] Thanks! :) Nope. Haven't been overseas. My ideal self is someone who is more responsible and hardworking than I am now. It is also someone with thicker eyebrows and bigger eyes :lol3: I don't mind. =)
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: ninch

congratulations ate ninchhhhhhhhhhhhh! :hug: dang were both 19 lang pala pft, i never realized :lol2: i'll be preparing all my questions for you in a jiffy :love:
 Alex III
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Re: ninch

[quote=aya;#399193;1398013917]You might know. :lol3::lol3: I am complicated. HAHAHAHHAHA.[/quote] Shatap I concede :lol3::lol3: [quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]because it just doesn't fit. :lol3:[/quote] at least it's all over :lol3: I don't watch HIMYM regularly but even I thought the finale was disappointing. Hayst. So you're into Sitcoms? [quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]because I like someone right now and he's a painter.[/quote] [quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]Not something like that. :lol3: Just the painter who paints on non-living canvass. :thumbsup: But why not? :xixi:[/quote] AYEEEEE so wait if he made you a model for his next project, would you be up for it? Like you know, [i]"paint me like one of your french girls"[/i] :lol3::lol3: [quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]Is this addressed to me or aya? :lol3:[/quote] That was for you both :lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: ninch

Don't be like Rai and answer our questions fast. :xixi: Partakam lablab. :lol3:
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Re: ninch

yay congratsss! :kiss: do you know how to speak italian? o: Do you like traveling? Is there an italian actor that you like? :xixi: do you ship ted x robin or robin x barney? :lol2:
Pawws's display avatar
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Re: ninch

hi ate ninch :kiss: have you had any romantic relationship inside ftalk or any forum? what is your most favorite egroup and why? :love: are you prone to accidents? do you drive? if so then when did you start? what are the things you're very much allergic to?
bubblegum's display avatar
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Re: ninch

[quote]ANNNNNNNNNNDDD WHO IS YOUR FTALK CRUSH?[/quote] This is like an SOP if you're the ftw hahahha If you have an ex whom you havent reconciled with, would you still talk to that guy if he suddenly appeared out of the blue and ask how you were? Or will you ignore him like he doesnt exist at all?
ninch's display avatar
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Re: ninch

[quote=aya;#399193;1398013917]Do you have a cat? What is the best cat breed for you?[/quote] Yes. I have three. Pusakal is the best :thumbsup: :lol3: [quote=aya;#399193;1398013917]How do you draw on your eyebrows?[/quote] [url=]Like this[/url] [quote=aya;#399193;1398013917]What else?[/quote] Porn :lol3: just kidding hahaha uhm. Movies! [quote=aya;#399193;1398013917]1.) What is your favorite thread at the moment? 2.) Your favorite ftalker of all time? And why? 3.) What is your favorite FT smiley? 4.) What FT smiley do you hate? 5.) Who is the ftalker you can't seem to get along with? 6.) What do you think of all the members in 7DS? (Please describe each) 7.) Who are your top 3 closest friends outside 7DS? 8.) What do you think is chan's best physical asset? 9.) Who is the funniest ftalker? The scariest? The meanest? 10.) Which FT sub-forum is your favorite? Least favorite?[/quote] 1) "Who is more complicated? Men 2) Bram. Because if it weren't for him there will be no ftalk. 3) :lol3: 4) :eh2: 5) No one. :run: 6) I'll just describe each using one word hehe @des - sexy @Pawws - outgoing @Chan - cool @aya - smart @chaw - sweet @Tres - loyal @PUSH - awesome @bramzero - traveler @Jirichi - pretty @sarcastickidsoldier - sarcastic @kite - bianx @uma - Goddess @ice - rich @Edd - Creative @dch - strong 7) @ielle @cropped.head @Aybs 8) Eyes 9) Funniest, scariest and meanest - probably you :xixi: :love: 10) Favorite - The Lounge, Least Fave - Classifieds :x_x: [quote=Tres;#399206;1398015035]So you're into Sitcoms?[/quote] Not much [quote=Tres;#399206;1398015035]AYEEEEE so wait if he made you a model for his next project, would you be up for it? Like you know, "paint me like one of your french girls"[/quote] Like in Titanic? Definitely :blush2: Jk hahaha but yes, id be glad to. :lol3: [quote=aya;#399209;1398016172]Don't be like Rai and answer our questions fast. Partakam lablab.[/quote] I'm gonna ditch you all :lol3: JK Wen wen nagadu met. hahaha [quote=chaw;#399216;1398024062]yay congratsss! do you know how to speak italian? o: Do you like traveling? Is there an italian actor that you like? do you ship ted x robin or robin x barney?[/quote] Thanks Chaw! :kiss: I can speak basic Italian. I like traveling :love: I don't know any Italian actor. :lol2: robin x barney [quote=Pawws;#399220;1398025539]have you had any romantic relationship inside ftalk or any forum? what is your most favorite egroup and why? are you prone to accidents? do you drive? if so then when did you start? what are the things you're very much allergic to?[/quote] hi Pawws :kiss: 0 relationship in any forum 7ds :thumbsup: because it's where I belong *tears* Not prone to accidents. :) I don't drive. I only drive bump cars. :lol3: As of now, i'm very much allergic to chicken, egg, [i]alamang, bagoong[/i], etc. :( [quote=bubblegum;#399222;1398037427]If you have an ex whom you havent reconciled with, would you still talk to that guy if he suddenly appeared out of the blue and ask how you were? Or will you ignore him like he doesnt exist at all?[/quote] I'd ignore. :thumbsup:

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