[quote=aya;#399193;1398013917]You might know.

I am complicated. HAHAHAHHAHA.[/quote]
Shatap I concede

[quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]because it just doesn't fit.

at least it's all over

I don't watch HIMYM regularly but even I thought the finale was disappointing. Hayst. So you're into Sitcoms?
[quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]because I like someone right now and he's a painter.[/quote]
[quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]Not something like that.

Just the painter who paints on non-living canvass.

But why not?

AYEEEEE so wait if he made you a model for his next project, would you be up for it?
Like you know, [i]"paint me like one of your french girls"[/i]

[quote=ninch;#399200;1398014361]Is this addressed to me or aya?

That was for you both