[quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]Why do you sound like you have a grudge on Robin's hair omfg[/quote]
because it just doesn't fit.

[quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]What makes you think the love of your life is a painter?[/quote]
because I like someone right now and he's a painter.
[quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]What kind of painter are you talking about in here anyway?
Is it like the kind of painter who paints exhibits or immortalizes live people into a canvas or what[/quote]
Not something like that.

Just the painter who paints on non-living canvass.

But why not?

[quote=Tres;#399186;1398012853]How am I supposed to know this?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA[/quote]
Is this addressed to me or aya?

Have you ever been overseas ? if yes where?
What is your ideal self?describe it[/quote]

Nope. Haven't been overseas. My ideal self is someone who is more responsible and hardworking than I am now. It is also someone with thicker eyebrows and bigger eyes

I don't mind.