[align=center][b]PMS or Pre-Menstrual Syndrome[/b]
[i]--clusters of symptoms that occur just before the menses and disappear with menstrual flow. For example, feeling of bloating and fullness of abdomen.[/i][/align]
[b]There are 4 types of PMS:[/b]
[b]1) PMS A: Nervousness[/b]
-> Nervous tension, mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and insomnia
[i]Treatment: [/i]
Increase intake of food rich in vitamin B6 or vitamin B complex, vitamin E and magnesium. Limit dairy products.
[b]2) PMS C: Craving for Sweets[/b]
-> Headache, increased appetite, severe heart beat, dizziness and fatigue
Supplementation with evening primrose oil, magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin E. Decrease alcohol intake, decrease animal fat and increase vegetable oil.
[b]3) PMS D: Depression[/b]
-> Oblivion, crying and confusion
Supplementation with evening primrose oil, a complex supplement with vitamins, minerals and vitamin E. John's Wort can be helpful as a calming / soothing effect and can help women who suffer from depression.
[b]4) PMS H: Hyper-hydration (fluid retention) [/b]
-> Weight gain of more than 1.4 kg, swelling of limbs, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating
It is proposed that supplementation with vitamin E, vitamin B6 along with herbal diuretic such as parsley and decrease NA [Sodium] intake
[align=center][b]Sooo.. what type are you?
[spoiler]Source: [url=http://okace.hubpages.com/hub/Understanding-Mentruation-And-Prementrual-SyndromePMS]x[/url] and my blockmate's PPT about PMS :][/spoiler]