[quote=kite;#315202;1356921429]Nice idea of reviving Neji. Anyway, since Hinata had a scene in the the previous chapter, I think Kishi will make a scene for Sakura too. There are also fans for Sakura and Kishi will do sth for the fans. Maybe Sakura will sacrifice her life to save Naruto just like what Neji did and Naruto will be in rage (berserk) and will revenge for Sakura's death. LOL.

Haha, thanks!

As for Sakura dying, I don't mind that at all. XD I think Hinata gets more "air time" than Sakura now, so it would be nice to see Sakura do something else other than help the injured (not that it's useless or anything). She has a lot of power in those fists of hers. Let's see her get her taijutsu on! Haha.
But, I also think Kishi wouldn't let a "major" character die shortly after Neji did. [i]Or not[/i]. I'm interested in what Sakura has to offer for this war.