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» FTalkFreak
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Se7en Deadly Sins

Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=aya;#275372;1345427587]So what did you use? :lol2:[/quote] I use sulfur soap. It's kinda effective but not that much. It lessen the pimples. Sometimes I apply ice on my face and it helps to reduce the size. My only problem now are the scars. I want to remove those completely so that I can have my pimple free face back. :lol3: [quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Try Garnier pureactive. Maybe it's effective on men too. :lol2:[/quote] How much? :lol3: @bianx, try not to use any cream on your face. Maybe your face is not [i]hiyang[/i] on those. I don't have pimples now when I stopped using any anti-pimple cream except for the sulfur soap and applying ice.

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