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Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bianx;#275311;1345421195]No money for a derma expert :lol3: Besides, I have this thread now so why consult a derma doctor :lol: joke![/quote] When I get an outbreak (which is very often, like once in two months) I would visit Dermstrata. Obagi Treatment is really effective on pimples/blemishes/and other imperfections. You will see visible results right after the session. :thumbsup: It's expensive but it's worth it. For a single session, it's P1,200 I think. BUT pay 3k and you get five sessions. (You can pay P1,500 first on your first session if you can't pay the whole amount) Before,I only get a facial when I feel there's too much pimples/blemishes on my face ady. :lol3: But if you're like me, getting pimples due to hormonal imbalance and unhealthy diet, it's a good idea to get an obagi treatment every month. That means, I'm gunna avail the 3k package soon which is around October most likely. :lol: [quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Wow, I used this before but only because it's very mabula and I smell very clean after taking a bath. Haha. Oh btw, I also tried perla on my face before. Wahaha it's okay also because it's harmless but I don't like the smell.[/quote] [quote=bianx;#275311;1345421195]for one month now, and I think it is effective but I don't see a "wow" effect on me. I will just continue using it, and also this one:[/quote] I can't use sulfur soaps or any "harsh" soap for that matter. I haz sensitive skin and get rashes if I experiment. @bianx If you wanna get rid of your pimples, you should go for mild/gentle cleansers. Also, instead of buying cheap products you should invest on products like the facial wash from Body Shop, the one with Tea Tree Oil which costs around P600 I think. It really dries up pimples fast. I know it's expensive (That's why I haven't bought a new one wahahaha. Using Dove for now) but you can use it for up to two and half months; just use it once daily or every other day and just pour a few drops on the palm of your hands.

Last edited by aya (2012-08-20 11:51:48)

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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=aya;#275372;1345427587]So what did you use? :lol2:[/quote] I use sulfur soap. It's kinda effective but not that much. It lessen the pimples. Sometimes I apply ice on my face and it helps to reduce the size. My only problem now are the scars. I want to remove those completely so that I can have my pimple free face back. :lol3: [quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Try Garnier pureactive. Maybe it's effective on men too. :lol2:[/quote] How much? :lol3: @bianx, try not to use any cream on your face. Maybe your face is not [i]hiyang[/i] on those. I don't have pimples now when I stopped using any anti-pimple cream except for the sulfur soap and applying ice.
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=Principe Azheef;#275359;1345425234]Hey man its really worth it eventhough its expensive, it makes no difference if you were to buy all kinds of products that do not work well on your skin as you are burning hell notes of your cash. Dermatologist is a worthwhile choice and you're able to negotiate with your doctor regarding the cost. Im saying this base on ma experience working with ma aunt in Markham.[/quote] Nice point you got there :thumbsup: I'll try to approach my parents since I can't afford that hahaha [quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Maybe it's..ah hormones. Or like I said, your diet. Orr stress, not getting enough sleep etc it's still normal, girl.[/quote] [quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Now, she rarely have pimples and there are no visible scars on her face that marked her pimple years.[/quote] wow :O Nice :thumbsup: Maybe it's in my hormones.. My mother told me that when she was in my age, she also had a lot of pimples hahaha and she also said that maybe my blood is dirty :lol: [quote=bubblegum;#275635;1345473863]Wow, I used this before but only because it's very mabula and I smell very clean after taking a bath. Haha. Oh btw, I also tried perla on my face before. Wahaha it's okay also because it's harmless but I don't like the smell.[/quote] Yeah and using sulfur soap also makes the skin smoother :thumbsup: They said that perla is good for the skin hahaha but isnt that a soap for clothes? maybe it has harsh ingredients though [quote=kitsune11;#275635;1345473863]I used Kojie San Cream and my pimple marks before was lighten the color.[/quote] really. isnt that a chinese stuff? I am afraid using chinese stuffs :xixi: [quote=aya;#275647;1345477016]It's expensive but it's worth it.[/quote] :thumbsup: And also like haffezz said[i] it makes no difference if you were to buy all kinds of products that do not work well on your skin [/i] I can't remember how much did it cost me to remove all these hahaha maybe it's more than 3k lol. Maybe I'll try approaching my parents first. My father's telling me that someday he's gonna bring me to a dermatologist hahaha don't know when is that someday lols. Anyway thanks for the info ate aya :thumbsup: [quote=aya;#275647;1345477016]instead of buying cheap products you should invest on products like the facial wash from Body Shop, the one with Tea Tree Oil which costs around P600 I think. It really dries up pimples fast.[/quote] yayyyy~ thanks :thumbsup: I'll try using this. So should I stop using sulfur soap now? :thumbsup: thanks for the feedback everyone! For now, I am having few pimples but a lot of scars I hope this would disappear by december most esp. my lola and auntie will be here in the Phils. and I dont want them to see me like this hahaha
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=kite;#275766;1345513762]@bianx, try not to use any cream on your face. Maybe your face is not hiyang on those. I don't have pimples now when I stopped using any anti-pimple cream except for the sulfur soap and applying ice.[/quote] :xixi: okayy :lol: I am lazy applying ice hahaha our freezer's door is broken lol I am just using bioderm ointment on pimples and calmoseptine on my marks, and it's effective :thumbsup: and also garnier light every morning

Last edited by bianx (2012-08-20 22:23:45)

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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]really. isnt that a chinese stuff? I am afraid using chinese stuffs :xixi:[/quote] Don't worry it's not chinese product. It's from Japan. :) I'm also afraid to use products that came from China. :lol3:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]yayyyy~ thanks :thumbsup: I'll try using this. So should I stop using sulfur soap now?[/quote] [quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]I can't remember how much did it cost me to remove all these hahaha maybe it's more than 3k lol.[/quote] The one that they put on your face in Derm Strata is the C-serum product of Obagi I think. I can really tell that it works because before they put the serum on your face, you get free "basic" facial (cleansing, steam, pricking, laser, mask). I remember having this huge ass pimple on my forehead, and the tech said she won't prick it because it's not yet ripe. So I completed the whole procedure without that one pimple getting pricked. The next day, guess what? The pimple was gone! (Not completely gone but it has reduced in size tremendously and by the second day it has already dried up and became completely flat) [quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]yayyyy~ thanks :thumbsup: I'll try using this. So should I stop using sulfur soap now?[/quote] I think you should because this one: [img][/img] is really strong in removing blemishes/imperfections. It feels so nice and cool on the face so it's quite addicting to wash your face over and over with this product hahaha. But try not to, because this product makes your skin tight and overwashing causes the skin to become dry. And using too many products at the same time can be dreadful. When you get outbreaks you don't know which product is the culprit. :lol3:

Last edited by aya (2012-08-21 00:37:01)

 Gregorio H. Del Pilar
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=aya;#275862;1345523770]I think you should because this one: [img][/img][/quote] wer can u get one? body shop?
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bubblegum;#275107;1345376157]Cetaphil 3x a day. It's good for all skin types and it's hypo-allergenic also.[/quote] :yes: Use this regularly.
 Aiashine Shin
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

I did use Garnier and i got more pimples :swt: Try Myra E. I think those scars are dry skin. Im using it now and its good :thumbsup:
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=aya;#275862;1345523770]The one that they put on your face in Derm Strata is the C-serum product of Obagi I think. I can really tell that it works because before they put the serum on your face, you get free "basic" facial (cleansing, steam, pricking, laser, mask). I remember having this huge ass pimple on my forehead, and the tech said she won't prick it because it's not yet ripe. So I completed the whole procedure without that one pimple getting pricked. The next day, guess what? The pimple was gone! (Not completely gone but it has reduced in size tremendously and by the second day it has already dried up and became completely flat)[/quote] Girl, is there a branch of Derm Strata here in QC?
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

Tide :thumbsup: [spoiler]puting puti ang puti :thumbsup:[/spoiler]
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=kite;#275766;1345513762]How much?[/quote] 85php, good for 2months :eh: [quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]wow Nice Maybe it's in my hormones.. My mother told me that when she was in my age, she also had a lot of pimples hahaha and she also said that maybe my blood is dirty[/quote] If it's really bothering you then you have to go to a dermatologist. [quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]Yeah and using sulfur soap also makes the skin smoother They said that perla is good for the skin hahaha but isnt that a soap for clothes? maybe it has harsh ingredients though[/quote] No, the ingredients of perla aren't harsh that's why they make the clothes soft to touch. [quote=bramzero;#275966;1345532779]puting puti ang puti[/quote] Bossing, mwa mwa tsup tsup :lol3:
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

-I just sleep early. -Don't even bother pinch those pimples - have an egg mask - or rub a diced garlic on my pimple but I won't rub it hardly :no3: I just rub it until the extracts of the garlic will come out XD
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=cropped.head;#275885;1345525568]wer can u get one? body shop?[/quote] Yes. :thumbsup: But you have clear skin PA. Mebbe you should invest on whitening products instead like: [quote]bramzero: Tide :thumbsup:[/quote] :lol3: [quote=kitsune11;#275908;1345527188]Girl, is there a branch of Derm Strata here in QC?[/quote] [url=]Here.[/url]
 Megumi Kairi
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=aya;#275862;1345523770]The next day, guess what? The pimple was gone! (Not completely gone but it has reduced in size tremendously and by the second day it has already dried up and became completely flat)[/quote] [quote=aya;#275862;1345523770]It feels so nice and cool on the face so it's quite addicting to wash your face over and over with this product hahaha.[/quote] gassh a must try :yes: :thumbsup: thanks for that persuasive info of yours ate aya :xixi: [quote=bubblegum;#276003;1345538809]If it's really bothering you then you have to go to a dermatologist.[/quote] gonna do that soon. :thumbsup: Gonna find a near derma clinic first :thumbsup: Nice ~ a lot of knowledge in this thread huh :thumbsup: love it :lala: [quote=mystic rain;#276025;1345540463]- have an egg mask - or rub a diced garlic on my pimple but I won't rub it hardly I just rub it until the extracts of the garlic will come out[/quote] tried this one :lol2: It's painful to put garlic and it also makes your face red and i think it's dangerous hahahaha because your face will surely look like rudolph's nose :lol3: I have done egg mask too. gash too lazy to crack an egg and separate the yellow from the white :lol3:

Last edited by bianx (2012-08-21 07:11:01)

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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

Thank you @aya :)

Last edited by kitsune11 (2012-08-21 19:10:10)

 Eonni Chel~yah ! ;)
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bubblegum;#275107;1345376157]Oh wait, last summer I had a pimple breakout like I had 5 pimples at the same time and they fakken piss me off cause they never go away so my sister told me to buy garnier for acne breakout. It's just cheap. It costs 85php. Anyway it's super effective in my case. But the results were gradual. I have a clear face now unlike last May. Too much stress.[/quote] [img][/img] such a nice thread, wanna try this ! my pimples getting bigger, I think being stress and sleep late at night cause this. i hope my acne will be cured soon =( i missed having no acne like before. :(
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=jechel.eonni;#276493;1345592345]I think being stress and sleep late at night cause this.[/quote] Yes. Sleeping late will definitely trigger pimples :lol2: Just don't prick your pimples even if it becomes the size of a mongo :lol2: Have plenty of rest and they will go away sooner than expected :lick:
 Eonni Chel~yah ! ;)
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bubblegum;#276651;1345606357]Yes. Sleeping late will definitely trigger pimples Just don't prick your pimples even if it becomes the size of a mongo Have plenty of rest and they will go away sooner than expected[/quote] thanks belle =) i hope so .. and i'm using it right now. smells so bad, unlike the other facial scrub. but hope to see a good result with this. :thumbsup: Plenty of rests :lala: and am not pricking my pimples. =) thanks a lot ! :kiss:
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Re: Acne and Acne Scars: How do you cure those? (discussion)

[quote=bubblegum;#276003;1345538809]85php, good for 2months :eh:[/quote] for 2 mos. huh, okay I might try this :xixi:

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