[quote=Principe Azheef;#275359;1345425234]Hey man its really worth it eventhough its expensive, it makes no difference if you were to buy all kinds of products that do not work well on your skin as you are burning hell notes of your cash. Dermatologist is a worthwhile choice and you're able to negotiate with your doctor regarding the cost. Im saying this base on ma experience working with ma aunt in Markham.[/quote]
Nice point you got there

I'll try to approach my parents since I can't afford that hahaha
[quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Maybe it's..ah hormones. Or like I said, your diet. Orr stress, not getting enough sleep etc it's still normal, girl.[/quote]
[quote=bubblegum;#275565;1345463056]Now, she rarely have pimples and there are no visible scars on her face that marked her pimple years.[/quote]


Maybe it's in my hormones.. My mother told me that when she was in my age, she also had a lot of pimples hahaha and she also said that maybe my blood is dirty

[quote=bubblegum;#275635;1345473863]Wow, I used this before but only because it's very mabula and I smell very clean after taking a bath. Haha. Oh btw, I also tried perla on my face before. Wahaha it's okay also because it's harmless but I don't like the smell.[/quote]
Yeah and using sulfur soap also makes the skin smoother

They said that perla is good for the skin hahaha but isnt that a soap for clothes? maybe it has harsh ingredients though
[quote=kitsune11;#275635;1345473863]I used Kojie San Cream and my pimple marks before was lighten the color.[/quote]
really. isnt that a chinese stuff? I am afraid using chinese stuffs

[quote=aya;#275647;1345477016]It's expensive but it's worth it.[/quote]

And also like haffezz said[i] it makes no difference if you were to buy all kinds of products that do not work well on your skin [/i] I can't remember how much did it cost me to remove all these hahaha maybe it's more than 3k lol. Maybe I'll try approaching my parents first. My father's telling me that someday he's gonna bring me to a dermatologist hahaha don't know when is that someday lols.
Anyway thanks for the info ate aya

[quote=aya;#275647;1345477016]instead of buying cheap products you should invest on products like the facial wash from Body Shop, the one with Tea Tree Oil which costs around P600 I think. It really dries up pimples fast.[/quote]
yayyyy~ thanks

I'll try using this. So should I stop using sulfur soap now?

thanks for the feedback everyone!
For now, I am having few pimples but a lot of scars I hope this would disappear by december most esp. my lola and auntie will be here in the Phils. and I dont want them to see me like this hahaha