[quote=kite;#275766;1345513762]How much?[/quote]
85php, good for 2months
[quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]wow Nice Maybe it's in my hormones.. My mother told me that when she was in my age, she also had a lot of pimples hahaha and she also said that maybe my blood is dirty[/quote]
If it's really bothering you then you have to go to a dermatologist.
[quote=bianx;#275771;1345514138]Yeah and using sulfur soap also makes the skin smoother They said that perla is good for the skin hahaha but isnt that a soap for clothes? maybe it has harsh ingredients though[/quote]
No, the ingredients of perla aren't harsh that's why they make the clothes soft to touch.
[quote=bramzero;#275966;1345532779]puting puti ang puti[/quote]
Bossing, mwa mwa tsup tsup