[quote=aya;#336038;1371407854]Mmm... In a sense, I know why people believe in God.
But how is it for you? Why do [i]you[/i] believe in God?[/quote]
I believe in God because that's what my family believes in. I grew up, and I experienced things that somehow made me doubt if God do exist. But there was this one point in my life where I really felt hopeless and miserable, and I was giving up, but then God came to me with love. I can't really explain how it happened, but when it did, I knew it was God. I came to believe that God do exist because He didn't give up for me tho I was giving up on Him. Instead, He saved me.
[quote]Don't get me wrong, I also studied in a Catholic school. And religion was taught to us with pictures too and wonderful stories, songs and such. But what I'm trying to say is, now that we've grown up do we still need that? Isn't that just for kids? Why do we have to convince others to join another religion because it's funner? I don't understand.[/quote]
Ohh that actually depends on the Church, you see. In our case, we don't use picture books and the such anymore. It's for the kids. In our Church, the kids are separated from the adults and youth, and the older ones focus more on the "doctrine and words and readings". And convincing to join other religions because it's funner? No, not all Born Again Christians churches are like that. We don't convince others to join our Church because it's "funner".
[quote]Do you really? Because if other Christians only care about serving Christ then why do other people needed to change to a religion that has activities of sorts?[/quote]
I really do have fun in serving Christ. Some people think that being a Christian is all fun, that's why they go change religions but then they are really lacking faith. Sa totoo lang, may mga ganun din sa Church namin. But they don't last long because they get "bored" daw because it's serious [i]pala[/i]. Like the saying goes, first impressions do not last. But there are those kind of people too who really want to stay, and they realize sooner or later that being a Christian is not all "fun". They come to realize that, and they change their views on Christian churches and stay on the church.
[quote]Shouldn't people who have a strong faith in God try to convince other people to believe in Him and not saying sth like "It's up to you"?[/quote]
That's actually a common misconception. My grandfather, who is a Pastor, told us that we, the Christians should not force other people in our religion. God gave us freewill to believe on what we want to believe. In the end, it's still should be God working, not the Christians. God gave us the gift of freewill because He wants us to make the first move and come back to Him. So it really depends on you, on what would you want to believe in.
[quote]It's funny that you should add that coz I knew that since gradeschool.

At least it's funny.
Last edited by oniongurl (2013-07-04 08:40:06)