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  2013-06-22 19:45:05

Principe Azheef
 ♕Zheefy Harmonia Mysteri…
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Re: What is you Religion/ Religious Belief?

Whut ever it is also....we can never change anyones mind or their beliefs......waaaakakakakaaaa...but one thing for sure everyone needs a religion to provide them with good guidance for their life. Im sure all religions possess a strong morals and values. Some may insult other religion due to lack of understandin or maybe they dont believe such a thin...coz itz sounds stupid to them. So whutever religion you belief should not be an issue of criticism, and if by chance itz an opportunity for us to learn bout all unique religions. In ma opinion, a person without a religion, they have no proper guidance and direction of life. Insultin is a big loss whereas experience and a will to learn costs a big gain. You should not question bout religion if you understand them therefore I would like to conclude "I respect your religion, you respect ma religion". Friends do love your religion in whut ever religion you're in...and Im sure your religion or God you beliefs would love you in miracle ways. PEACE :lol3:

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