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  2013-06-27 14:30:25

» FTalkElite
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Re: What is you Religion/ Religious Belief?

Ooooh!!! I love this threadddd! :lol3: Saw this while browsing ftalk using my phone. I had so many things to say that I had to switch to the laptop to type all of it :lol3: :lol3: :lol3: I admit I am biased with my opinions (we are all biased anyway) but I'll [b]try [/b]answering some of the questions :um: because, well, it's just really interesting to me hahaha but I'll continue to read everybody's responses on this thread. I believe the Bible is true because it changed me (the only SOLID evidence that I can tell you about) and it is still changing parts of me that are unlawful (by that I mean, the laws according to the Bible). It changed who I am completely. I struggle to read the Bible every night, sometimes I just fall asleep honestly, but I try, and I learn. But even without that Biblical knowledge, I'm still gonna speak from [b]my experience[/b]. I understand that it is hard to explain why this is true because we only gain knowledge from something when we have experienced it OURSELVES. But that should not hinder us from explaining anyways especially if one is very curious about it. :) This is actually a great opportunity to share some good and juicy stuff about the Christian faith. :eh: It's always good to clear up generalities and misconceptions so that we're all well-informed. Regarding the discussion about the difference of Catholicism and Christianity (or "Protestants" in the American context) [spoiler]I used to be a Catholic and now a Christian convert. I don't know the BLACK-AND-WHITE difference between the two. I know is that although both believe in the same faith (Jesus is Lord and Savior), the type of reading material these two denominations use is different. I'm a non-denominational Christian, which i think means that I only follow the Bible. I learned from my pastors that the Catholic Bibles are different (Christian Bible plus more books in the Old Testament; Machabees, Sirach, etc). This goes WAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY back when the churches "canonized" the Bible. What my youth pastor said is that Roman Catholic also uses the book of Machabees. I learned that this is a historical book that contains events paralleled to the Bible. So in return, they also follow the Machabees. For example. In this book you'll find the purgatory, but this is not written in the Bible. But because the Roman Catholic faith utilize the Machabees as an evidence of the Bible, they also believe that the purgatory must be too (Chain of logic: if a = b, and c = b, then a must be = c). This is what I've learned, but I haven't found a specific scripture for this specific information in the Bible I use. Also there are also events for penitential activities (mandarame) in the Catholic faith, which I no longer follow as a non-denominational Christian. Catholics believe that if they go through what Jesus went through on that cross, their sins will be forgiven. However, in the Bible it clearly says "So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed." (John 8:36) That's why God sent His son Jesus to take all of our unpunished sin to be [b]justified[/b] in front of God. In my opinion (gonna go overly-biased here), what's the point of all the blood that Jesus shed on that cross if you're just gonna repeat it yourself? The feeling would not be the same since at the end of the day, humans are still alive when Jesus on the cross stayed on the cross and actually died. This is not a lot, but these are some of the differences between the beliefs that I learned and observed over the years. Also, I agree with Paw, but I wouldn't say that it is more fun in the Christian church. I would say that I felt more at home in a Christian church because I felt like I belonged in the family (I actually know the people!). God brought me there when my family was in chaos (financial problems occurred). Right now I'd say that I enjoy being at church because everybody is comforting me (not just the priest/pastor), even the elders there (the titas and titos) are helping me whenever I have problems with my parents (they don't recognize my beliefs and we used to have a LOTTT of debates, told them I'm done and that I need to study the Bible more since back then I was just a "newly-baptized" Christian). The culture here in America for Catholic churches is different, priests interact more with the church's members. But at my church, the pastor is a friend. I'm not saying that Non-denominational Christianity is better than Catholicism. No no no. I'm just speaking from MY OWN experience.[/spoiler] [quote=aya;#335819;1371364272]Why can't I be like them? Why can't I place my faith and trust to God? Why do I doubt so much?[/quote] [quote=aya;#335860;1371380369]Is there something wrong with me?[/quote] [spoiler]I'll put myself in your shoes. This is funny because I asked these same questions to myself and God a few months ago! All Christians have doubts, we all have doubts in our faith. My atheist friend told me that the more people gain knowledge, the less people hold on to their beliefs. For me, this struck me really hard because I thought it was true. This year I took a class about gaining true knowledge. There I learned how to know if something is true (logic fallacies, truth tests, knowledge issues, etc.). One way I knew my faith is true is because of the truth test called "Pragmatic." I know my faith is true because I felt it, and it comforted me. Other than that, other truth tests sought for logical explanations and scientific evidence. I began searching more and more about this and I even got more confused. Where do I even begin if God is actually true? Why would God take the lives of the innocent children dying in the terrorist war? Why? I just could not find an answer. Few months ago, I became so busy that I stopped attending church-related events. And now I realize this is what distanced me from God. I did not like this empty feeling but I could not talk about it. I was afraid my church will judge me just because I suddenly just lost track of where I am in my faith. I did not want to live with no beliefs. Just one night and I laid all of my questions to Him for the first time, and just started crying because my mind was so confused yet I don't want to get to the point where I become an atheist. I've been seeking for an answer all over the internet but I did not ask God directly through prayer or even in His word. My questions were left unanswered that night but it prompted me to pick up that dust-filled Bible and open it, and look for answers, after all the Bible is the foundation of the Christian faith. I don't think it's wrong to have doubts, because even [i]I[/i] have it. But the only reason (as I see it) that God allowed me to doubt is so that my faith will be strengthened (searching for answers in the Bible). Even in the Bible there are verses where you can see doubt: Aside from Thomas, there's Acts 17:11 [i]Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and [b]examined the Scriptures[/b] every day [b]to see if what Paul said was [u]true.[/u][/b] (Acts 17:11)[/i] Funny thought: The other day I was just thinking that what if the Bible was just written by someone who was just really, really bored. But man, if I'm bored myself and I love writing, why would I write a book with a bajillion of pages for the rest of my life? :lol: I know for a fact that the best way to know God, and to get closer to God, is to read His word. :) After all: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the [b]Word was God[/b]. (John 1:1)[/spoiler] [quote=aya;#336211;1371534758]and would God forgive you if you do not choose to believe in Him?[/quote] [spoiler]I know so many people who were atheists before. God is patient, and in the right time He came to them and convicted them. I still have friends who do not believe in God, but I don't tell them "OH YOU'RE GOING TO HELL BECAUSE YOU DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD." Honestly, I don't even know why Christians do that to unbelievers. -_______- So if the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36) Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4) And most importantly, For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39) LOVE THIS VERSE THO hehe God is really patient. I've attended youth for Christ (I think that's the name of the organization) events a lot of times when I was still in the PH, but even if I learned about God, my heart was not changed and the fact that His son died just to save me did not sink in to my heart. It was not until I got here in the United States where I actually became hopeless and lonely (I was dead homesick) that I finally decided to have a relationship with Him. I think the very important thing is if you really are seeking for answers, having a church is the very first thing to do. A filipino guy at a local ice cream store found my mom and told us [i]Uy, pilipino kayo diba? Punta kayo sa church namin![/i] :lol::lol::lol:We just tried to go once or twice or thrice a month, and at first we were always disagreeing with their beliefs, but now all of us siblings are committed to Christ. And we're all praying (not forcing) for our parents to come to Christ, too.[/spoiler] STILL LOVE THIS THREAD THO :lol3:

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