[quote=chaw;#338751;1372601444]And I think the reason why you say it's cryptic is because of the version

Hahaha yeah if you try to read it in king james version, it'all poetic and hard to understand D; I read the New Intrrnational Version (NIV). It's just basic english.[/quote]
Ahahaha! Is that so? I guess you're right.
[quote=chaw;#338751;1372601444]I don't think there's such thing as coincidence, I believe everything (i mean EVERYTHING) that has happened in our lives was all planned out by God.

So what does it mean if say for example, you're terminally ill, what would that teach you?
[quote=chaw;#338751;1372601444]one way that God can talk to me is through the preaching and I can attest that it's true because when I was weak in my faith and my family was in chaos, God spoke to me through the Sunday word about strengthening o families.[/quote]
And about preaching, listening to the Homily. It's one of the reasons why I don't go to church. I feel like I adi know what the priest has to say and it feels repetitive and I feel like I don't need reminding? HAHAHAHAHA.