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  2013-07-01 09:48:11

» FTalkElite
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Re: What is you Religion/ Religious Belief?

[quote=aya;#338955;1372678601]So what does it mean if say for example, you're terminally ill, what would that teach you? --- And about preaching, listening to the Homily. It's one of the reasons why I don't go to church. I feel like I adi know what the priest has to say and it feels repetitive and I feel like I don't need reminding? HAHAHAHAHA. :lol3:[/quote] [spoiler]So according to Google, Terminal illness is what the doctors call it when one is diagnosed with a sickness that cannot be cured and that patient is expected to die in less than a year. I haven't met anybody who was diagnosed with such thing but ive met people who had near-to-death situations. One of our Pastors had a 2-inch tumor in his brain. He doesnt have any medical insurance, and the bills for surgery is VERY expensive (thousands of dollars). the tumor was touching the nerve that is responsible for his vision so surgery must be done before it's too late. They performed the surgery and he survived, the doctors told him the probability of having a successful surgery is very very small, so they call him "lucky." (But my pastor says he's "blessed") After that the hospital just paid the bills for my pastor and he didnt have to pay a single dime. What he said was that during this time he felt so weak, and even after surgery he could not move. people had to do things for him. But when we are weak, we should not forget that our God is great and even greater than our situations. Human strength is bound to fail but God's strength even extends the scale. When we're sick, this is meant to show that we are weak and God is strong. (I must decrease and He must increase John 3:30). Because when we're at our weakest point, don't we doubt God? His existence? His power? Job (man from old testament) was sinless so God rewarded him so many things. his faith in God was strong. So Satan said to God "what if i take away everything from him? I don't think he's still gonna praise you." God said, "go ahead." and so job's children died, Job's wife cursed God and even told Job "Why do you still believe God?! Curse God and die!" But Job didnt. He lost his family, his possessions of land, just basically everything. Even his friends didnt understand why bad things happened to him. Job kept complaining to God and finally God answered him in the storm (Job 38-41 four whole chapters basically saying that Job isn't God, and cannot be like God). Job was humbled, and sat on the ashes to say he is sorry. in the end, God gave Job more than he had lost. He learned that he could trust God whatever happened, and his friends learned not to think someone had just sinned because bad things happened to that person. thorough sicknesses, God is teaching us to be humble, to recognize He is a powerful God and that we should put our trust in Him. God has a purpose. According to my pastor's story, God let him go through such a trial so that he can have his physical rest at the hospital (he's been pastoring for 7 straight years in our church), and so that he can share how wonderful God moved in his life during this time. :) I almost forgot what Homily meant :swt: so I're talking about the Catholic church right? when i was a catholic, i heard the same preaching every sunday or two at church :lol2: word for word i just knew what theyverte gonna say. I'm not even gonna deny that hahahaha. I guess they have a script hahaha jk :lol2: I don't know why they repeat it. but at the church I go to now, preachers have a set of topics they are meant to discuss every sunday. I heard a preaching about spiritual gifts, and a year later i heard it again (so i guess it's not that drastic) hahahaha. However often times preachers don't follow this format because during the week when they're studying the Word, there are times of revelation where God speaks to them through another Scripture. And when we're just so amazed that God is revealing to us what it actually means, we just can't help but to share it (This feeling is described in Job 32:17-20 I too will have my say; I too will tell what I know. For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; inside I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst. I must speak and find relief; I must open my lips and reply. (Whenever I have a revelation, I usually write it down on my journal) When God does this to the pastors, it serves a purpose because some members at the church might need THAT specific topic to encourage and strengthen them. The Bible was written thousands of years ago but even until now it still speaks to us. I think it's really amazing. :)[/spoiler] I'm thankful for spoilers :lol2:

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