[quote=chaw;#339006;1372686491]Job (man from old testament) was sinless so God rewarded him so many things. his faith in God was strong. So Satan said to God "what if i take away everything from him? I don't think he's still gonna praise you." God said, "go ahead." and so job's children died, Job's wife cursed God and even told Job "Why do you still believe God?! Curse God and die!" But Job didnt. He lost his family, his possessions of land, just basically everything. Even his friends didnt understand why bad things happened to him. Job kept complaining to God and finally God answered him in the storm (Job 38-41 four whole chapters basically saying that Job isn't God, and cannot be like God). Job was humbled, and sat on the ashes to say he is sorry. in the end, God gave Job more than he had lost. He learned that he could trust God whatever happened, and his friends learned not to think someone had just sinned because bad things happened to that person.[/quote]
But what about the children who died? Were they just meant to die for the sake of testing Job's faith?
Coz my mom died from cancer and I still don't understand why God did that. I know death is inevitable for everyone but still, I don't see the purpose of God taking her so soon (don't feel troubled, I'm okay). If it was meant to test her faith then what's the point if she did put her trust in God but still died in the end?
[quote=chaw;#339006;1372686491]I almost forgot what Homily meant

so I think...you're talking about the Catholic church right? when i was a catholic, i heard the same preaching every sunday or two at church

word for word i just knew what theyverte gonna say. I'm not even gonna deny that hahahaha. I guess they have a script hahaha jk


It's when the priest/reader quote parables/gospel etc. and then discusses it with everyone and then elaborates it further by citing examples, telling stories (maybe based from his own experience) and then explaining the "moral lesson" of the story.
Plus the questions in my RE classes (Religious Education) when I was in gradeschool and highschool were so ridiculous. Like what would you do if you have extra money are you going to spend it on new clothes or are you going to give it to homeless children? Like wtf? Of course I'd spend it on new clothes but I'd answer the latter coz that's the obvious answer. It's so retarded if you ask me. HAHAHAHAHAHA. loljk.
Ok. I sounded like a bad person.
[quote=chaw;#339006;1372686491]I too will have my say; I too will tell what I know. For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me[/quote]
A bit OT but when I read the word "compel", I can see the Exorcist flashing on my mind. [i]The power of Christ compels you![/i] Scary shit.

[quote=chaw;#339006;1372686491](Whenever I have a revelation, I usually write it down on my journal) When God does this to the pastors, it serves a purpose because some members at the church might need THAT specific topic to encourage and strengthen them. The Bible was written thousands of years ago but even until now it still speaks to us. I think it's really amazing.

You know, talking to you seemed like I'd want to go to your church. But I'm here and you're there so...
Last edited by aya (2013-07-01 13:31:24)