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  2013-07-01 15:33:45

» FTalkElite
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Se7en Deadly Sins

Re: What is you Religion/ Religious Belief?

[spoiler]I'll just say that I don't really know the EXACT answer to that question so that i don't give you any wrong information abt God and the Bible. I don't fully understand what God's will is for each and everyone. for those who died all I can see is another situation from the Bible. Stephen from the book of Acts was stoned because of his faith, he was persecuted. When the members of the Sanhedrin heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look,” he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” At this they covered their ears and, yelling at the top of their voices,[b] they all rushed at him, dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. [/b]Meanwhile, the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning him, Stephen [b]prayed, “Lord Jesus, [i]receive my spirit[/i].”[/b] Then he fell on his knees and cried out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” When he had said this, [i]he fell asleep.[/i] He died sleeping, which meant that he had a peaceful death, and even asked God's forgiveness for the people who were persecuting him because of his faith. Your mother held on to her faith until she died, and I believe that she is in a better place now. I believe there is life after death, and heaven (no suffering and no pain) is where she is now. The testing of faith was for Job, the one who lost everything. At this point of his life he said, "The lord gives and the lord takes away. Praise the Lord!" Meaning that he will still praise the Lord no matter what happens. His children died, but in the end God poured out His goodness in his life, he lived a long life, and had even more children after his suffering. God gave him children and He took them away, but God did even more mighty things to Job. Just like the tita i know, she had two miscarriages, I don't know the exact feeling for that, but it mut have hurt a whole lot and must have hurt her relationship with God. But then God fulfilled His promise to her and blessed her another two healthy children who I always talk to at church. Just like Hannah, the barren woman who cried so much in front of God and asked Him to give her a child and she promised God to dedicate that child to God. And then God gave her Samuel. omg HAHAHAHAHSHA Don't worry I completely understand HAHAHAHAHAHA from what I've observed the priest always reads verses from the Gospel (matthew mark luke and john). I don't know why they limit their preaching to these four books but that's just me wondering. HAHAHAHHA lmao I'd react the same way too! HAHAHAHHA I guess in the philippines te catholic church is still very traditional and strict when teaching abt the religion. Because growing up I just learned that if i sin i will be punished. instilling fear only distanced me more from God :/ But those kind of questions should not be presented to people in that manner but as a reminder that we have to think of others too. Because God seeks for cheerful givers not those who give just because they have to. :swt: HAHAHHAHA Okay that's a bit dramatic :lol2: I think it's sad how the media respresents the Christian faith and they try to distort it. I used to watch Supernatural and then they started mentioning things in the Bible that are not even true so I stopped watching it. People who don't know abt the Bible and try to watch shows like these usually get misconceptions abt Christianity D; Get a plane ticket and come!!! :lol3: Hahhaha True. It's hard to find the right church. In every church there will always be things that we wouldn't like. But that's why they call it "church-hopping," :lol3: Hopefully you find one though![/spoiler]

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