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Dear Someone

You are viewing a post by Pawws. View all 1565 posts in Dear Someone.

  2014-01-10 18:39:58

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Re: Dear Someone

Dear someone, So I added you back once again, I know it's been crazy between us but I dreamt about you tonight, It was so weird. I can tell you all about it but then you know how I hate making efforts with you. :B I just wanna say I finally forgive you and that I'm willing to forgive all that's in the past. Let our bygones be forever bygones. :) It's gonna be weird seeing you for the first time in the last time tonight, and idek how to talk to you bc I wanna apologize too for my actions being too overboard. It'd be so much easier if you could read all these instead, hehe, I really wish you would. That's all, I guess. Bye. =)

You are viewing a post by Pawws. View all 1565 posts in Dear Someone.

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