@ Ms Chaw

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]18[/quote]
Wow you so young in age and hearts!

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]Student Nurse[/quote]
Is that your passion and interest? Thatz so cool! You'll be registered nurse soon enough! Never break that spirit pal!

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]Study all day, party all night.[/quote]
I really love thiz one here!

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]Then I finally realized that I am just...to die for. LOLLL jk

I don't have an FT crush, sorry.

You sure? 100% sure?

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]• I ate flowers when I was a kid. It tasted like paper.[/quote]

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]• No idea how to cook. And don't tell me I'm a princess because I'm pretty sure 75% of the modern women in this century don't know how to cook either.

Is that a trend for girls thiz dayz? ermmmmm...

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]I speak french, english, tagalog.[/quote]

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#386843;1394976612]• I'm short but my legs are beautiful to me. (((=[/quote]
[quote=aya;#386861;1394979189]Let's call your bb Hafeez to congratulate you soon too.


[quote=chaw;#386868;1394980320]You're such a traitor

I'll edit this post at the end of the week

james, harvey, shirow, karuro, kent, japot, jolo, chan, tres, timmy, etc. sige na nga, at one point, hazeef too

I forgot the others LOL but all of these, in a 6-year lifespan


Ma questy:
[align=center][spoiler]Whut would you do when you really falls in love with someone?
