Back reading, I have learned a lot from chaw, ate aya.. brem, tres, belle and paw..

also tin. I didnt know chaw was that 'religious'

thumbsup for the ftw hohoho
As for my self, These are my answers
Why do I believe in God?
I believe in God because
- come to think of it, who else can create a human, an animal or anything? planets.. the outer space. If it's not God, then who? an Alien? But who will create the alien? hahaha K.
- where are our thoughts coming from? You know, like, the conscience or sth when we sin. and also, Y do we fear? y do we ask? y do we feel incomplete? because there is God. He's always the answer.
- he loves me. I feel it because in times when i ask myself to die he still wakes me up. Like, 'hey wake up, you have something to do this day.' know what i mean..

As for the unwanted things happening to us, God planned it too. (that's my belief though), so we can see him.
As for ate aya, i think it is God's plan for you to doubt him. You know, for you to seek questions like that

for you to learn from chaw. from the people in here..
I also had cancer but i didnt die. I live instead, maybe because that was the plan of God for me. And I think, it's his way so I can rid of those kuto on my head hahahahah. After being semi bald because of chemo my kuto were gone for good. yehey!
You see.. there is good in all bad things.. HE didnt just do this because he wanted to.. because of nothing.. He plans very well. and He very know what's he's doing.
and also, back reading, ate aya's questions reminds me of this movie:
(same movie but the other link has spanish sub i think? and the other one has that uncool presenting
same questions have been asked

if you kind of wanna watch please do! (@ate aya) it's a christian movie suggested to me by layka hehehe i am not yet done watching it because i watched it here in the office and my boss might caught me watching hahaha.
And that's my belief.. God is everything. We must be thankful to him. For the doubts, for the fears, for the illness, for the wealth, for the happiness, for the bad.. for the good.. He's just so awesome. and btw., im catholic, i do not read bible often, i dont even know the stories in bible.. so i was very amazed by chaw hahahaha!! galing!! I also do not go to church always.. but i do go to church. I also dont listen to the priest's sermon or anything, but.. when I go to church, I pray. I pray so hard. thanking Him.. for every blessings I have been receiving. Gash I almost cried typing this. hahahaha!! anyways,

ayun XD
Last edited by bianx (2014-03-18 04:05:10)