-How often do you call that derpy woman on the phone?
-What is the sweetest thing jam ever did for you?
-Did you have a love triangle with pepper and ajcakes?
-What is pepper and ajcakes like in person?
-If you have an ftalker roomie in some apt in NYC, who would it be and why?
[quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]Should this really be ranked??[/quote]
Just do it. LOOLLLL.
[quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]- What do you mean by worst though? Like worst as in most ineffective? Or most bad?[/quote]
As in Bad. (I am possessed by Push's spirit so I know the answers to your questions).
[quote=Tres;#390708;1396358817]I feel like if Aya and I were in that island, she'll do most of the saving thing
What do you mean?