[quote=Pawws;#400819;1398319791][quote=ninch;#400681;1398280740]Happiness level - 7[/quote]
what are the simple things that can make you happy?

[quote=ninch;#400681;1398280740]most heartbreaking thing that happened to me is whenever a guy I like gives false hopes. mga paasa

who do you think is in the wrong? did you wish you could have tried harder? are you still on speaking terms with those guys who gave you false hopes?
[quote=ninch;#400681;1398280740]For rejection, I just tell myself that there's something better than those that/who rejected me.[/quote]
Are you afraid of rejection?

sorry, i should have asked this first.

1. I feel happy when I have free food, when I wake up in the morning, when I see someone I met before, when a flower blooms, and many more. Simple things in life make me happy.

2. Maybe I was also wrong for hoping in the first place when he hasn't explicitly told me about his feelings. Haha but it was his actions that gave me hopes like inviting me to movies, to eat dinner, etc.yes, I still talk to them.
3. I am not.

ecen tho i'm optimistic, I still consider the possibility of being rejected. Always expect less.