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You are viewing a post by Jirichi. View all 65 posts in Jirichi.

  2014-06-19 13:16:02

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» FTalker
FTalk Level: zero
I am Pride.
Se7en Deadly Sins

Re: Jirichi

Sorry guys, was out whole day. And ohmergerd so many questions. :retard::retard: [quote=Natsume;#418258;1403158857]Galing means nice. hope we can hear you speak some tagalog language or its better if you can sing for us[/quote] Oh! I tho [i]galing [/i]means great. :lol2: I really don't know how to speak tagalog and nooo D: I'm bad at singing :lol2: [quote=Natsume;#418258;1403158857]He's fun to talk maybe because he has a great sense of humor and we've met several times. I think he can be more talkative if a person is so close to him[/quote] I tho you're his gay buddy, dondon? :thumbsup: [quote=Natsume;#418258;1403158857]I also hate snakes. I will try to watch that apple of my eye. If i cry, then i'll recommend that to my sisters[/quote] Yes yes. I think your sisters will like it. It's a romantic-drama story with unpredictable ending. :lol: [quote=Natsume;#418258;1403158857]Questions: - if you can travel to ph, whos member you want to meet? - what anime you want to cosplay?[/quote] - I would love to meet kaka Aya the most. Then 7DS peeps and maybe other ftalkers too. :lol2: - Senjougahara Hitagi from Monogatari Series. (The one in my ava & sig) :thumbsup: [quote=Pawws;#418259;1403158858]How much weight would you like to gain?[/quote] 5 or 8 more kgs. :lol2: [quote=Pawws;#418259;1403158858]Do you still listen to MCR's songs? What was your all-time fave? And who was your fave MCR member and why?[/quote] Nope, no longer listen to their music nowadays. My all time fave from MCR would be Helena, because that's the song which made me fall in love with them. Fave member is Mikey, because the way he plays the bass. Kakkoii desu :thumbsup: [quote=Pawws;#418259;1403158858]Yuna! Sorry, I haven't got the time to reply to your answers sooner but here's another set of question for you. 1. Are you a movie-junkie? How about a music-junkie? [b]Not really a movie junkie, though lately I've been in a Mandarin-movies marathon. :lol2: [/b][b]Music-junkie for J-music. :lol:[/b] 2. What is your fave beverage? [b]I'm such a traditional person so fave beverage would be fruits juices (avocado, melon, watermelon, etc) and milkshakes. [/b]3. Are you a home person or do you always like to go out? [b]Home person. :lol: [/b]4. What do you usually do when your boyfie is away? [b]Nowadays I'll learn about Mandarin or watch Mandarin movies or play DN/dota2. [/b]5. How often do you get together in a week? [b]Hmm I'm in LDR. Get together after few months. :thumbsup: [/b]6. How about your friends... do you also make time for them? [b]I only have few best friends in real life. And yes I'll make time for them whenever they ask or I ask to hang out together. :lol:[/b] 7. Are you adi a college graduate? If yes, then from which course? [b]Yeah, from Public Health course. [/b]8. What are your fave places in Indo? [b]My hometown? :lol3: [/b]9. Can you recommend a good love story Indo movie? [b]Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. :thumbsup: [/b]10. Any bad experiences as a child? [b]The divorce of my parents I guess..[/b] :plotting:[/quote] [quote=aya;#418263;1403166956]I like Harvest Moon too. I played Friends of Mineral Town and married Gray.[/quote] So you like emo-type dude? :lol2: [quote=aya;#418263;1403166956]50 is fine. I'm 50kg too. More than 50, I panic.[/quote] How come you're 50? :lol2: My bones are heavier then. :lol2: [quote=aya;#418263;1403166956]1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? [b]OK WHAT'S WITH THIS CAPS LOCK QUESTIONS OUT OF SUDDEN? MY MIDDLE NAME WAS NAMED WITH GRANDMA'S NAME.[/b] 2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? [b]FEW DAYS AGO. [/b] 3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? [b]YES I DO. [/b] 4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE DISH? [b]FRIED BUTTER SHRIMP. [/b] 5. DO YOU LIKE KIDS? [b]NOT REALLY. [/b] 6. WHAT ARE YOU LIKE AS A FRIEND? [b]CARING AND THOUGHTFUL. [/b] 7. WHAT DO YOU LIKE AND HATE ABOUT: ME [b]LIKE: LOYAL, SUPER NICE, FUN TO TALK TO, SIMILAR INTERESTS HATE: FOR ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS ;O[/b] ALEX [b]LIKE: NICE, PLAYS DOTA2 ALSO HATE: WE HAVEN'T TRIED TO PLAY DOTA2 TOGETHER AND TROLL PUBS LOLOL [/b]BRAM [b]LIKE: SPONTANEOUS, FUNNY HATE: MEANIE [/b]CHAW [b]LIKE: NICE, CUTE, EASY GOING HATE: NONE [/b]NINCH [b]LIKE: CHARMING, FRIENDLY HATE: NONE [/b] 8. HAVE YOU UNDERGONE ANY MAJOR SURGERIES? [b]NOPE[/b] 9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? [b]YES[/b] 10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? [b]KOKO CRUNCH [/b] 11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? [b]YES[/b] 12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? [b]STRONG AS IN PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY? [/b] 13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? [b]HAAGEN-DAZS [/b] 14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? [b]THEIR EYES [/b] 15. RED OR PINK? [b]RED[/b] 16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? [b]MY WEIGHT [/b] 17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST IN FT? [b]EZIL [/b] 18. WOULD YOU DATE SOMEONE LIKE ALEX? [b]NOPE[/b] 19. WHAT COLOR SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? [b]GREY[/b] 20. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? [b]MIXED RICE WITH PORK AND VEGS [/b] 21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? [b]아름다워 (Body) - TAEYANG [/b] 22. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? [b]RED[/b] 23. FAVORITE SMELLS? [b]JAPANESE CHERRY BLOSSOM [/b] 24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? [b]MY AUNT [/b] 25. MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY OR BEACH HOUSE? [b]MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY [/b] 26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? [b]DONT HAVE [/b] 27. HAIR COLOR? [b]BLACK[/b] 28. EYE COLOR? [b]BLACK[/b] 29. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? [b]NOPE[/b] 30. FAVORITE DRINK? [b]ORANGE WATER/JUICE [/b] 31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? [b]HAPPY ENDINGS [/b] 32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? [b]I NOT STUPID TOO [/b] 33. WHAT COLOR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? [b]LIGHT PURPLE [/b] 34. SUMMER OR WINTER? [b]WINTER[/b] 35. HUGS OR KISSES? [b]KISSES[/b] 36. FAVORITE DESSERT? [b]ICE CREAM [/b] 37. STRENGTH TRAINING OR CARDIO? [b]CARDIO[/b] 38. PC OR PS4? [b]PC[/b] 39. WHAT MANGA ARE YOU READING NOW? [b]I AM ANSWERING UR QUESTIONS NOW KAKA SO NO MANGA [/b] 40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? [b]MY MOUSE LIAO [/b] 42. FAVORITE SOUND? [b]INSTRUMENTAL? [/b] 43. CLASS-S or 7DS? [b]7DS CUS WE LIVE IN THE PRESENT [/b] 44. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? [b]WHEN I'M ON HOLIDAY IN SINGAPORE/KL [/b] 45. DO YOU HAVE A WEIRD SPECIAL TALENT? (Like able to lick nose or sth) [b]NOPE LOLOL [/b] 46. WHAT TURNS YOU ON? [b]HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO ANSWER THIS? [/b] 47. WHAT TURNS YOU OFF? [b]BAD BREATH [/b] 48. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HOUSE? [b]WHITE & ORANGE [/b] 49. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR CAR? [b]I DONT HAVE CAR, MY PARENTS HAVE THO :lol2: [/b] 50. DO YOU LIKE ANSWERING 50 QUESTIONS? [b]OKAYNOTBAD.JPG ITSQUITEFUN.PNG ALLCAPSFTW.GIF[/b][/quote] [quote=sarcastickidsoldier;#418278;1403177778]What's good being PVE type player? PVP is the best kill everyoneeeee[/quote] LOL why are you so sadist rai! :lol2: PVE because I enjoy the storyline and I am imagining that I'm the character. :thumbsup: [quote=Pawws;#418279;1403185520]yuna, who do you think is the most hensem/beautiful ftalker? most hensem 7ds member? most hensem mod from before?[/quote] most hensem and beautiful would be our ftalk loveteam, aya x alex. most hensem 7ds is rai. most hensem mod from before is shirow. [quote=uma;#418286;1403187917]How would you change it? any example? Damnnn why singapore it's effing expensive[/quote] Like paint the wall with light blue and adds some ornaments. :thumbsup: Because my ahem living there, that's why. :lol2: Because the city is not too big also, easy to go anywhere without being afraid of getting lost.

You are viewing a post by Jirichi. View all 65 posts in Jirichi.

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