[quote=Pawws;#418312;1403204920]That's cool. What type of genre are you currently been in on?[/quote]
Drama-Comedy and Action. Chinese Martial Arts are overwhelming.
[quote=Pawws;#418312;1403204920]Where is he from?[/quote]
[quote=Pawws;#418312;1403204920]So is your current job related to your course?[/quote]
Haven't started work yet, I'm still taking on extra courses.
[quote=Pawws;#418312;1403204920]Other than your hometown? Like prolly a cool theme park or sth?[/quote]
Hmm if theme park then it would be Dufan Ancol in Jakarta. Bandung is also quite nice.
[quote=Pawws;#418312;1403204920]So sorry to hear that. But how old were you when they decided to separate? Were you traumatized?[/quote]
10 years old. Not really.. I've accepted the fact they decided to divorce and I think that's just the way life goes on for us.
[quote=Pawws;#418312;1403204920]Do you still talk to shirow from time to time?[/quote]