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You are viewing a post by Pawws. View all 65 posts in Jirichi.

  2014-06-20 08:35:10

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Re: Jirichi

[quote=Jirichi;#418373;1403264425]Sankyuuuuuuuuuu Pawws And it's okay I'll accept it even its so cheesy.[/quote] Lol hahahaha :lol2: youre wc :lol: [quote=Jirichi;#418373;1403264425]I don't want to get stalked by random insecure stalker if you know what I mean lolol[/quote] Ha! :yes2::yes: [quote=Jirichi;#418373;1403264425]Yeah, I took the wrong course. Because it's what my family wanted. And it's okay, feel free to ask.[/quote] Dang that sucks ;A; I've seen that happen so many times, its either you grow to love it or you dont :lol2: Anyway thanks, im done with this topic, imma ask you a new set of q's next :lol3: I cant believe were only in page 3 and its adi friday. :no: - super random qs hehe :lol2:: 1. If you will rate how much you trust (people you just met, your friends, your closest friends, your family, peeps from ftalk, 7ds) from 1-5, what would the rating/s be? 2. What is your religion? 3. How good of a person are you? Rate also yourself from 1-5 and explain. :lol2: 4. What do you like and hate most about yourself? 5. What made you like/love anime? :d 6. Yaoi or Yuri? =D 7. What did your last meal consisted of? 8. Do you like junk foods? 9. Have you gone to any EB with anyone from ft? 10. Lastly, if you could own a very unique pet, what would it be? :)

You are viewing a post by Pawws. View all 65 posts in Jirichi.

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