[quote=Pawws;#418374;1403267710]1. If you will rate how much you trust (people you just met, your friends, your closest friends, your family, peeps from ftalk, 7ds) from 1-5, what would the rating/s be?
[b]People you just met - 1
Your friends - 2
Your closest friends - 4
Your family - 3
Peeps from ftalk - 2
7ds - 4[/b]
2. What is your religion?

[/b]3. How good of a person are you? Rate also yourself from 1-5 and explain.
Which kind of good is this?

[b]I will rate myself as 4! Because I love helping people and will always try to do my best just to help them. But at the other side, I'm not a forgiving person.

4. What do you like and hate most about yourself?
[b]I like how I'm not like usual girls (love makeups, buys lots things, etc).

What I hate is I'm a procrastinator.

5. What made you like/love anime?
[b]Hmmm I'm not sure what is is.. it's just that I enjoy watch anime better than I watch other shows.

[/b]6. Yaoi or Yuri?
7. What did your last meal consisted of?
[b]Fish ball!
[/b]8. Do you like junk foods?
[b]I guess so.

[/b]9. Have you gone to any EB with anyone from ft?
[b]Nope. :<
[/b]10. Lastly, if you could own a very unique pet, what would it be?

or Unicorn XD[/b][/quote]