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  2016-03-30 00:25:15

shana16's display avatar
» FTalkFreak
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Re: What is you Religion/ Religious Belief?

Hello. :lol2: I'm a Roman Catholic by birth. But I'm Agnostic Theist. I do believe in God, but not the God in the bible. I don't believe in any religions. I don't believe that Jesus died for our sins. I don't go to church or read the bible. I don't believe God watches us 24/7 and decides if whether we'll go to hell or heaven based on our actions. I don't believe They have plans for us. I don't believe in prayers. I don't believe in miracles and blessings. We are free the moment we are born because there are no existential rules in this universe as far as our information tells us - everything in this Earth from the time we evolved into an intellectual human being is man made - therefore how would you know that you're really committing a sin against God? Is your sin applicable to other planets or race from other universe, too? The bible is a poor proof of Their existence but it still tells us something about Them. And I don't believe They care. But I believe They know what is happening in the universe. In every corner of this vast unending universe - They know what is happening because everything is connected to Them in some way - They are that powerful. But They just don't care. Science tells us that we came from something - big bang or whatever you call it - and in order for that something to be created, there must be someone or something who created it. And the creator of it - might be what we call 'God.' And maybe God doesn't necessarily look like us, maybe They don't have feelings, or eyes, or heart, or even brain - maybe They look dust-like organism powerful enough to create an enormous something. But there's this news I've only heard just days ago, some scientists might have actually disproved the big bang - the universe has no beginning and end. So what do I believe now? I still believe in God. Maybe the God of the humankind is the Earth Itself, maybe the second coming they're saying is the Earth's global warming - the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the floods etc etc - maybe God is coming back in the form of nature, or maybe God has always been the nature Itself and we humans are finally paying for our abusive treatment to It and just waiting for God to wake up from Its slumber and put an end to this by destroying Itself. Maybe there are gazillions of Gods as there are stars and planets out there. Maybe we don't really have a beginning and end because God is the universe Itself and the question of whether there is an origin or not do not matter anymore. So in short, God is something we will never be sure of. No matter how big the discovery the mankind has found thousands of light years away from here - the universe will keep expanding itself and become more mysterious as ever. We will never run out of questions about God. About life. About everything. I believe that all of us in this world just wants to live a life with less suffering. And some people find their safe haven in religion, while others find it in science. But we should never ever abandon our humanity for our beliefs. *Brod Pete voice* ALIEN! ALIEN! :lol2:

Last edited by shana16 (2016-03-30 14:34:10)

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