[quote=Tres;#419063;1404232173]peens? Really? You don't think they look like little caterpillars whose skin seems to be inside-out?[/quote]
tbh ofc when its not erected it looks like a caterpillar but other than that.. ehehehehhehehehe
[quote=Tres;#419063;1404232173]Who's your fav character?
[i]- Daenerys[/i]

Hated character?

Honestly I really hate Shae. that betch.[/i]
Do you think Jon Snow's hair is pretty?
[i]- Not pretty but sexy as fck

Do you think Jon Snow really does know nothing?
[i]- he knows how to eat out and where to put it [/i]

Do you believe that the night is dark and full of terrors?
[i]- No i believe in the old religion fck that red woman ohohoho[/i]
Don't you think Daenerys locking up her dragons was pretty ironic to her long-assed title Breaker of Chains?
[i]- yea

poor dragons actually i almost cried when she locked them up

What could have been a better death of Joffrey?
[i]- what theon got wouldve been better

or that guy who gave up to bolton guys and was skinned lawl [/i]
Have you read the books? If not, do you have a theory on what's going to happen in season 5?
[i]- i havnt. I feel like Daenerys is going to have lots of problems with the people from essos esp with her dragons. and stannis is going to kick ass[/i]
Who among the characters would you want to date?
[i]- Robb Stark[/i]
Who among the cast would you want to date?
[i]- Jack Gleeson[/i]
What is your opinion on the iron throne?
[i]- quite nice leh. it'll look so bad ass if daenerys sat on it

What is the most badass line in the entire series?
[i]- OFC Tyrion's speech in the court. I can feel him

What is your fav episode?
[i]- the last episode in the latest season

fuck Tywin

[quote=Tres;#419064;1404232497]1. Who was your first kiss and what was it like?
[i]This filipino guy from another school. It tasted like cigarette.[/i]
2. What’s something you hide about your personality?
[i]That i'm very sensitive.[/i]
3. Do you have an FT girlcrush?
[i]nah not really i just admire them[/i]
4. Who is your FT girlcrush?
5. What’s something other people think about you that you don’t agree with?
[i]That I'm annoying. [/i]
6. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
[i]My ex made an I <3 U with candles when I looked down the balcony.[/i]
7. What’s the nicest thing a stranger has ever done for you?
[i]Gave me a rose on valentines day. It was from a police

8. Have you ever asked anyone out?
[i]No never..[/i]
9. Who is your celebrity crush?
10. Has anyone ever asked you out and you turned them down?
[i]yea a lot actually

11. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
[i]hm. I bought my ex a nintendo DS XL. He always wanted one.[/i]
12. Who would you say is your “anti” role model? Someone who serves as a warning rather than an inspiration?
[i]lol justin bieber

13. What kind of underwear do you imagine Hitler used to wear?
14. What's your idea of a perfect date?
[i]Pick up the girl > Dinner at McD > Movie > Night stroll in the park and he covers the girl with his jacket adododo > A kiss on the bench > Go home > Watch some more movie on the couches + smoking hookah > Continue where you left off that time at the bench > Make out some more > Sex with condom > Guy sleeps with the girl > Sleep tight > Wake up and he's still there > He made breakfast

15. How do you know when you're in love?
[i]Excessive stalking and wondering what he's doing and hoping he'll reply you hehhehe [/i]
16. Which movie character do you most identify with and why?
[i]No one tbh

i'm too complicated and weird ohoho[/i]
17. Do you prefer more or less clingy relationships?
[i]More clingy[/i]
18. How do you think you will fare when the Zombie Apocalypse arrives?
[i]Just keep a gun with me all the time. Steal food from abandoned places. Steal ammos. Always armed leh.. and look for people so they can die before me

19. Are you usually the first person to make a move?
20. Have you ever asked someone out and they turned you down?
[i]I never actually asked someone out directly but kinda hinted it and they're like ohhh.. i'm sorry

21. Do you feel like you're the dumpee or dumper most of the time?
[i]Dumper mostly . I'm so heartless[/i]
22. What's your "type"?
[i]Type like what type am I or what's my guy type

23. What are some of your favorite physical characteristics for your boyfie to have?
[i]Charming smile... Tall.. Young face . Cute but also hot at the same time

24. List 5 quirky things about yourself.
[i]- My room is pink but I'm not girly.
- My clothes are black but I'm not emo/goth.
- I memorized the full name of Bangkok.. for fun.
- I like to smell my guy friend's back.
- My fingers are short and chubby.[/i]
25. What's something that always turns you on?
[i]Fresh smell out of the shower..
