[quote=chaw;#419638;1405137457]BELATED CONGRATS[/quote]

[quote=chaw;#419638;1405137457]what kind of phone do you have right now
[i]- iphone 4 and iphone 4s[/i]

do you wear heels? yes or no? if yes, when did you start wearing them? if not, why not?
[i]- no i dont. because i have a small calves and feet some more all my weight is on my boobanies and tummy and some more if i wear heels it's really a burden.. like elephant walking on needles

what's your opinon on anal sex?
[i]- asshole's for shitting. I feel like it's unnatural[/i]
what's your opnion on having sex while on your period?
[i]- very dirty. fucking with a 1 month preserved blood in one of the most dirtiest part in a woman's body?

NOWAY [/i]
is there any addiction that you're currently facing? (other than sex of course LOL)
[i]- hahaha

i really like to smell guy's back

how many serious relationships have you had?
[i]- 3[/i]
if you were given the chance to get taller, how many inches would you want added to your height?
[i]- 3 inch is fine

what's your secret remedy to a really bad facial breakout?
[i]- I only had a pimple breakout once and i took pill called roaccutane.. and i never got pimples evaaaarrr.. okay well maybe but its verrrryyy rare.. and mostly before my period. [/i]
what's the accent you really love? and accent you just can't stand hearing?
[i]- i really love african accent it's really fun

the accent i cant stand hearing is iranian accent. they make my ear bleed ffs[/i][/quote]
[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Jon Snow???? Please name anyone from FT![/quote]
ephe is jon snow

[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Ninch is too young to be Olenna tho, why Olenna?[/quote]
because she would poison my fiance if he was a maniac for my own sake

[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Rai = Eddard Stark?? Ehhhhh but he's too scrawny[/quote]
oh ya i forgot. hm he's hodor

[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Oh great I'm the horny queen of King's Landing.[/quote]
nah shes not horny leh. you're cersei because cersei doesnt 'walk in', she makes an entrance. and you oso lidat

[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Lol yuna the red woman hahahah hahahahahahahha.[/quote]

[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Yes please answer chaw's question bout pimple breakouts. I am breaking out again prolly coz it's that time of the month, so annoying.[/quote]
do you get it before? during? or after? I always get mine before . I got a small one on my lips and 'he' popped it

[quote=Jirichi;#419650;1405168512]i dont watch GoT so idk which red woman is this hahahaha[/quote]
yuna pls watch GoT maybe we could change 7DS name to King's Landing

[quote=aya;#419649;1405164680]Lololollololol you wanna be FTW forever??[/quote]
[quote=Jirichi;#419650;1405168512]do u rly want to be ftw forever uma?[/quote]
not rly.
Last edited by uma (2014-07-12 18:54:38)