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[table][tr][td][align=center][size=4][url=]uma[/url][/size][/align][/td][/tr][/table][table] [tr][td rowspan=6][imgview=][img=150x200][/img][/imgview][/td] [td]Real Name[/td][td]On-Uma Imjitr[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Age/DOB[/td][td]October 17 1994[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Lives In[/td][td]Cyberjaya[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Hobbies[/td][td]Smoking hookah, cooking, drawing, designing, playing ukulele.[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Occupation[/td][td]Student[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Personal Tagline[/td][td]Are you feeling it Mr Krabs?[/td][/tr][/table] [table] [tr][td][align=center][i]Tell us something about you...[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td]I like to observe things. Behavior and appearance. And I keep a lot of things to myself. I'm very sensitive but I never show it. I could go anywhere in life right now and earn lots of money but my problem is I'm just lazy as fvck.[/td][/tr] [tr][td][align=center][i]What brought you to the FTalk?[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td]Friendster layout. Then I visit to fTalk and browse around as a guest for 2 months. Then after learning CSS I finally made my own layout and finally signed up just to share the layout :lol2:[/td][/tr] [tr][td][align=center][i]Other comments[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td]-[/td][/tr] [tr][td][align=center][i]Trivia[/i][/align][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I'm really scared of hand dryers. Esp those that you have to insert your hand. I always thought there'll be a blade coming from both sides and amputate my hand.[/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I've always been teased for my curly hair that's why I rebond it all the time.[/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I can never wash down whatever I eat with dairy-related drinks.[/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I like reading horror and guro mangas. The more messed up, the better.[/li][/td][/tr] [tr][td][li]I think I have ADHD.[/li][/td][/tr][/table] [align=center]FTW#35[/align]
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: uma

List all the guys you've had a crush on in FT. :lol2:
 Gregorio H. Del Pilar
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Re: uma

[quote=FTalk Enforcer;#418479;1403502947]Are you feeling it Mr Krabs?[/quote] THIS MADE ME LAUGH! :lol3: are you feelin' it nao mister crabs? :lol2::lol3: Congrats! :)
 Aiashine Shin
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Re: uma

Congrats Uma! :D
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Re: uma

Congrats Uma! :thumbsup: Describe your ideal boyfriend. :xixi:
uma's display avatar
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Re: uma

[quote=aya;#418481;1403503218]List all the guys you've had a crush on in FT.[/quote] I've had a few people i admired and crush on like -you -bob -harvii -nela -yuna -ephe but the very serious one is neil aka unmaskedluke :lol: he rejected me in the end :lol3: [quote=cropped.head;#418482;1403505667]Congrats![/quote] thank you nanix :woohoo: [quote=Aiashine;#418483;1403512382]Congrats Uma![/quote] thanks hunney :kiss: [quote=Jirichi;#418494;1403516499]Congrats Uma! Describe your ideal boyfriend.[/quote] Thank you! hm. Someone with an outstanding smile. Open-minded. Someone with good humor.. or maybe idiotic puns :lol2: Tall.. bc makes me feel protected :lol2: Someone who is not better than me than what i'm already good at. cz i wont see him as bf but as a rival :lol3: And finally someone who doesn't make me feel like i'm the "man" in the relationship bc I don't whine about a few basic stuff I can't handle.
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: uma

[quote=uma;#418496;1403518105]but the very serious one is neil aka unmaskedluke :lol: he rejected me in the end :lol3:[/quote] His username is so familiar. Who was this guy again? :lol3::lol3: Facebook/photo please. :lala: [hr][hr][hr] I knew someone who lives in Cyberjaya. :lol3: and two other ppl in KL. :lol: We played Boomz together. HAHAHAHAHAH. They are so good with art. :lol3: [quote=FTalk Enforcer;#418479;1403502947]Smoking hookah,[/quote] Does it have different flavors? What is your favorite dish? What do you cook usually? How did you learn how to draw? What do you design? Do you have a video playing the ukulele? What's your favorite horror/gore manga?

Last edited by aya (2014-06-23 06:32:12)

uma's display avatar
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Re: uma

[quote=aya;#418498;1403519480]is username is so familiar. Who was this guy again? Facebook/photo please.[/quote] [url=]this guy[/url] [quote=aya;#418498;1403519480]I knew someone who lives in Cyberjaya.[/quote] I think i added him in my previous fb or something. He's studying in limkokwing right? [quote=aya;#418498;1403519480]Does it have different flavors?[/quote] Yup. A wide selection.. fruits mostly. [quote=aya;#418498;1403519480]What is your favorite dish? [i]- Namtok. Its an Isan beef salad.[/i] What do you cook usually? [i]- Mac n cheese[/i] :excited2: How did you learn how to draw? [i]- Practicing and observing[/i] :lala: What do you design? [i]- Websites, blogs and logos[/i] Do you have a video playing the ukulele? [i]- Yes. In my old facebook but it was so bad I hide it [/i] :lol2: What's your favorite horror/gore manga? [i]- Graduation and Beheading ceremony[/i] =D [i]It's a really good one. [/i] :lol3:[/quote]

Last edited by uma (2014-06-23 07:36:38)

 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: uma

[quote=uma;#418504;1403523339]I think i added him in my previous fb or something. He's studying in limkokwing right?[/quote] You did? =3 Did I give hi his FB or sth? :lol3::lol3: [quote=uma;#418504;1403523339]Yup. A wide selection.. fruits mostly.[/quote] What's your favorite? :lol: [quote=uma;#418504;1403523339]Yes. In my old facebook but it was so bad I hide it :lol2:[/quote] Let me see. :lol3::lol3: [quote=uma;#418504;1403523339]- Graduation and Beheading ceremony =D It's a really good one. :lol3:[/quote] Can you perhaps see ghosts?
uma's display avatar
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Re: uma

[quote=aya;#418505;1403524917]You did? Did I give hi his FB or sth?[/quote] I think so :d [quote=aya;#418505;1403524917]What's your favorite?[/quote] I really like peach + mint. It gets me high for a moment. And it's really sweet. I also like gum + mint bc it makes my mouth smell like i just washed it :lol3: [quote=aya;#418505;1403524917]Let me see.[/quote] gone edddiiiii :turbopoke: [quote=aya;#418505;1403524917]Can you perhaps see ghosts?[/quote] no. and thankfully not. But my mom told me when I was like 3 or something I was playing in the front yard I was speaking to someone but nobody was there :aaa: They say that kids and animals can see jinn :wasted:
Natsume's display avatar
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Re: uma

Congrats uma :thumbsup:
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: uma

[quote=uma;#418506;1403526151]gone edddiiiii :turbopoke:[/quote] Make a new one. :ohno: [quote=uma;#418506;1403526151]no. and thankfully not. But my mom told me when I was like 3 or something I was playing in the front yard I was speaking to someone but nobody was there :aaa: They say that kids and animals can see jinn :wasted:[/quote] Or maybe you had an imaginary friend. :lol2: [hr][hr][hr] 1. What worries you most about the future? 2. What is love? 3. What are the first things that you do when you realize that you like someone? 4. How long has it been since your last relationship? 5. How long was your longest relationship? 6. Do you think Dondon is a good boyfriend? 7. Which ftalker do you think has the qualities of a good boyfriend? 8. What makes you horny? 9. Hugs or kisses? 10. Who do you think has the biggest peens in FT?
Principe Azheef
 ♕Zheefy Harmonia Mysteri…
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Re: uma

Congratz Ms Uma! Uma....uma....uma..mamaaaaaaaaamaaaa! Wakakakaaa it reminds meh of a song....btw juz kiddin...rofl...howz da heat bein in da spotlight bb? :lol3:
uma's display avatar
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Re: uma

[quote=Natsume;#418510;1403528221]Congrats uma[/quote] thank you :eh: [quote=aya;#418512;1403532430]Or maybe you had an imaginary friend.[/quote] hopefully :crybaby: [quote=aya;#418512;1403532430]1. What worries you most about the future? [i]apocalypse[/i] 2. What is love? [i]when you're ready to take the bullet for that person[/i] 3. What are the first things that you do when you realize that you like someone? [i]stalk the shit out of the person =D[/i] 4. How long has it been since your last relationship? [i]4 months[/i] 5. How long was your longest relationship? [i]1 year and 6 months[/i] 6. Do you think Dondon is a good boyfriend? [i]I'm not really close to him so I dont know[/i] 7. Which ftalker do you think has the qualities of a good boyfriend? [i]Alex. I think he's very caring :lol:[/i] 8. What makes you horny? [i]Stroking my back or blowing in my hear :lol3:[/i] 9. Hugs or kisses? [i]hugs[/i] :dance: 10. Who do you think has the biggest peens in FT? [i]I don't really know bc most members here are Asian[/i] :lol3: #stereotypeftw[/quote] [quote=Principe Azheef;#418515;1403532829]Wakakakaaa it reminds meh of a song[/quote] what song? :lol: [quote=Principe Azheef;#418515;1403532829]howz da heat bein in da spotlight bb?[/quote] ah gad pls i feel so popular :eh: :eh2: hahahha just kidding. It's an honor.. :d
Principe Azheef
 ♕Zheefy Harmonia Mysteri…
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Re: uma

Itz an old song back then..I cant virtually recall which cartoons series where da ones....btw ya friends have loads of questy for ya so cheers..weave a wonderful tale ma friend..waaakaaaaaaa..rofl! :lol3:

Last edited by Principe Azheef (2014-06-23 11:17:20)

 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: uma

[quote=uma;#418525;1403535990]I'm not really close to him so I dont know[/quote] Just guess. :lol3: [quote=uma;#418525;1403535990]Alex. I think he's very caring :lol:[/quote] @Tres. :xixi: [quote=uma;#418525;1403535990]I don't really know bc most members here are Asian :lol3: #stereotypeftw[/quote] JUST GUESSSSSSSSS. :lol3::lol3: [hr][hr][hr] Can you tell me any one secret about yourself? What is your passion in life? Who is that one person who you can talk about just anything? What was your dream when you were younger? Have you ever had to lose someone close to you? Which is the one place in the world, where would you want to live other than here? What about you do you like more people to know? Do you have any insecurities in your life? What do you prefer stability or spontaneity? Do you have a current friend who you have known for the longest time? Are you a negative or positive person? If you could go back in time and change one thing you regret, what would it be? What is that one thing that you love to do? Why? What is the one characteristic that you find in a guy that makes them most attractive? Excluding romantic love, have you ever told someone from the opposite sex that you loved them?
Natsume's display avatar
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Re: uma

[quote=aya;#418512;1403532430]6. Do you think Dondon is a good boyfriend?[/quote] wtf is that question? :wtf: oh btw, i thought you know [i]unmaskedluke[/i]. One of the best gfx maker here :xixi: -- Questions: 1. What would you do if you saw aya in person? 2. Do you miss neil? 3. Do you experienced riding a rollercoaster? 4. Do you have any pets? 5. Do you want to experience riding a jeepney here in ph? 6. What would you do if you saw a cockroach flying inside your room?

Last edited by Natsume (2014-06-23 13:53:16)

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Re: uma

Congrats Uma!! 1. What five countries would you like to visit? 2. Which country do you want to visit the most and why? 3. What five countries do you NEVER want to visit and why? 4. What your favorite candy? 5. How old you think you will be when your married?
 Aya Shirayuki
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Re: uma

[quote=Natsume;#418538;1403545366]oh btw, i thought you know unmaskedluke. One of the best gfx maker here :xixi:[/quote] I know his username but can't remember who he is...maybe we didn't talk/didn't become friends. :lol2: [quote=Natsume;#418538;1403545366]wtf is that question? :wtf:[/quote] You're the best guy to include in questions HAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
uma's display avatar
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Re: uma

[quote=Principe Azheef;#418526;1403536560]btw ya friends have loads of questy for ya so cheers[/quote] :pacman: [quote=aya;#418530;1403541224]Just guess.[/quote] maybe he is? :knock: [quote=aya;#418530;1403541224]JUST GUESSSSSSSSS.[/quote] Rai? [quote=aya;#418530;1403541224]Can you tell me any one secret about yourself? [i]- I have an OCD for picking scabs :chew:[/i] What is your passion in life? [i]- drawing i guess :plotting:[/i] Who is that one person who you can talk about just anything? [i]- my cats.. jk actually my ftalk friends :lol: [/i] What was your dream when you were younger? [i]- being hunt down by some mass murderer[/i] Have you ever had to lose someone close to you? [i]- yes. my ex to the girl he cheated with :kiss: [/i] Which is the one place in the world, where would you want to live other than here? [i]- Jeddah. Because of money :lol3: [/i] What about you do you like more people to know? [i]- my background[/i] Do you have any insecurities in your life? [i]- my weight :yes2: [/i] What do you prefer stability or spontaneity? [i]- stability[/i] Do you have a current friend who you have known for the longest time? [i]- yup. their first letter of the name is in my siggy . Jamila, Maddie and Savira :heart:[/i] Are you a negative or positive person? [i]- Mostly positive. [/i] If you could go back in time and change one thing you regret, what would it be? [i]- Changing my major. Otherwise I'd graduate this semester[/i] What is that one thing that you love to do? Why? [i]- smoking hookah. It relieves my stress for a moment[/i] What is the one characteristic that you find in a guy that makes them most attractive? [i]- the fact that they have a weapon huehuehuehuehue[/i] Excluding romantic love, have you ever told someone from the opposite sex that you loved them? [i]- yep. my ex when he was in the friendzone :lol2:[/i][/quote] [quote=Natsume;#418538;1403545366]Questions: 1. What would you do if you saw aya in person? [i]- dayummm... just stare at her and admire the fuck out of her. [/i] 2. Do you miss neil? [i]- nope[/i] 3. Do you experienced riding a rollercoaster? [i]- Yes. When ever it goes down I can't breath :dumb: [/i] 4. Do you have any pets? [i]- 3 cats and a kitchen full of roaches[/i] 5. Do you want to experience riding a jeepney here in ph? [i]- I've already been on a jeepney in Thailand but I wanna try to see how the atmosphere's like :lol2: [/i] 6. What would you do if you saw a cockroach flying inside your room? [i]- :ohno: . run out of my room and call my housemate to kill it :( [/i][/quote] [quote=bobcbar;#418543;1403547283]Congrats Uma!! [i]Thank you![/i] 1. What five countries would you like to visit? [i]- Japan - China - USA - Philippines - Greece[/i] 2. Which country do you want to visit the most and why? [i]USA. Because there's hot guys thurrrr and so many different landscapes. [/i] 3. What five countries do you NEVER want to visit and why? [i]- Bolivia : People are unfriendly. - India : Crowded and dirty - North Korea : aaaaaa duuuuhhhh - Australia : Venomous animals and house insects :retard: - Mauritania : Atmosphere is really dry there [/i] 4. What your favorite candy? [i]- I don't like sweets :lol2: [/i] 5. How old you think you will be when your married? [i]- 25-27[/i][/quote]

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