[quote=Principe Azheef;#418526;1403536560]btw ya friends have loads of questy for ya so cheers[/quote]

[quote=aya;#418530;1403541224]Just guess.[/quote]
maybe he is?

[quote=aya;#418530;1403541224]JUST GUESSSSSSSSS.[/quote]
[quote=aya;#418530;1403541224]Can you tell me any one secret about yourself?
[i]- I have an OCD for picking scabs

What is your passion in life?
[i]- drawing i guess

Who is that one person who you can talk about just anything?
[i]- my cats.. jk actually my ftalk friends

What was your dream when you were younger?
[i]- being hunt down by some mass murderer[/i]
Have you ever had to lose someone close to you?
[i]- yes. my ex to the girl he cheated with

Which is the one place in the world, where would you want to live other than here?
[i]- Jeddah. Because of money

What about you do you like more people to know?
[i]- my background[/i]
Do you have any insecurities in your life?
[i]- my weight

What do you prefer stability or spontaneity?
[i]- stability[/i]
Do you have a current friend who you have known for the longest time?
[i]- yup. their first letter of the name is in my siggy . Jamila, Maddie and Savira

Are you a negative or positive person?
[i]- Mostly positive. [/i]
If you could go back in time and change one thing you regret, what would it be?
[i]- Changing my major. Otherwise I'd graduate this semester[/i]
What is that one thing that you love to do? Why?
[i]- smoking hookah. It relieves my stress for a moment[/i]
What is the one characteristic that you find in a guy that makes them most attractive?
[i]- the fact that they have a weapon huehuehuehuehue[/i]
Excluding romantic love, have you ever told someone from the opposite sex that you loved them?
[i]- yep. my ex when he was in the friendzone

1. What would you do if you saw aya in person?
[i]- dayummm... just stare at her and admire the fuck out of her. [/i]
2. Do you miss neil?
[i]- nope[/i]
3. Do you experienced riding a rollercoaster?
[i]- Yes. When ever it goes down I can't breath

4. Do you have any pets?
[i]- 3 cats and a kitchen full of roaches[/i]
5. Do you want to experience riding a jeepney here in ph?
[i]- I've already been on a jeepney in Thailand but I wanna try to see how the atmosphere's like

6. What would you do if you saw a cockroach flying inside your room?

. run out of my room and call my housemate to kill it

[quote=bobcbar;#418543;1403547283]Congrats Uma!!
[i]Thank you![/i]
1. What five countries would you like to visit?
[i]- Japan
- China
- Philippines
- Greece[/i]
2. Which country do you want to visit the most and why?
[i]USA. Because there's hot guys thurrrr and so many different landscapes. [/i]
3. What five countries do you NEVER want to visit and why?
[i]- Bolivia : People are unfriendly.
- India : Crowded and dirty
- North Korea : aaaaaa duuuuhhhh
- Australia : Venomous animals and house insects

- Mauritania : Atmosphere is really dry there [/i]
4. What your favorite candy?
[i]- I don't like sweets

5. How old you think you will be when your married?
[i]- 25-27[/i][/quote]