[quote=cropped.head;#280975;1346301075][quote=idgaf;#280958;1346300638]Are you guys saying that Madara revived his brother to carry out the moon's eye plan?
How did Madara die?

It's only a POV

there's no proof yet

but im sure Madara died during their encounter with the 2nd Hokage?

but I think it might be that if Izuna is tobi... then they both aim to achieve that moons eye plan..
coz as what Madara said in the previous chapter: "So that guy knows the plan" <--- im not sure which chapter is it.. but he said it during the time he got resurrected

Your predictions are awesome, man.

Closest prediction I've read.

Btw, I think there's something wrong with this page.

Minato was just a Jonin at that time right? Why was his face already curved on the mountain?