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  2013-05-03 05:16:31

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Re: Ask the Girls a Question

[quote=yunish;#327130;1367499532]'cause you mentioned that he's sort of/not interested :/ but if I am getting a hunch that he's interested (even for a bit), I still won't try to make him jealous. 'cause sometimes in trying to make someone jealous on purpose, you get to build more barriers than breaking down the wall. If you know what I mean :s[/quote] Oh, hehe. :um: Well my sentence is somehow like this - [i]he's sort of interested or he's not interested[/i] into [b]he's sort of/not interested[/b] :um: hehe sorry about the confusion. Barrier between you and the guy who is interested on you? Hmm make sense. [quote=yunish;#327130;1367499532]I wouldn't take it seriously unless he tells me that in person. You can never tell if someone's trying to trick you when things are told via sms. So, w/ that text message... I think I'd be just joking around w/ him, or shut him down in a nice way if I know I really am not into him.[/quote] True story of my life :lol2: [quote=aya;#327208;1367563063]If a guy is somewhat interested with the girl, making him jealous is like a girl's way of wanting to catch his attention. She wants to know if the guy's into her or not. Creating a fake relationship with another guy spells recipe for a disaster though so most girls just stick with flirting with other guys and then checking out the object of her affection's reaction.[/quote] And I was so numb not realizing her intentions :cry: :D Well any way, next question: What would you choose: You love him or he loves you?

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