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  2013-05-20 10:56:54

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Re: Ask the Girls a Question

[quote=bobcbar;#328716;1368656504]Thats great they eveyrone can be so open minded about your boyfriend hanging with other girls...but how can you not be jealous or worrying it might be more?[/quote] It actually depends on the guy, what I mean is that if my boyfriend assures me enough not be jealous of his friends.. then, there's no problem with it. Also if those girls know their own limitations being his friend and if I see no reason to feel jealous of then, I could also be friends with them. =) [quote=bobcbar;#329005;1368961439]Do all girls really like it if the guy is jealous, asking who that guy was he saw you talking to?[/quote] [quote=bobcbar;#329047;1368996756]What if they are just a little jealous not overly protective of their property ?[/quote] A bit? Hahaha. It's one of the signs that he loves me. It makes us a bit happy to know that our guy is jealous of those guys who see us the way he sees us but of course, it shouldn't be too much to the point that it becomes too tiresome. I, myself, is a bit [i]selosa[/i] but I see to it that I really have a good reason to be jealous of.

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