[quote=Natsume;#392127;1396955653]no discount

Ftalkers should have discount. Like one hour is P15 and 2nd hour is P25; 3rd hour is P40 and 4th hour is P50.

[quote=Natsume;#392127;1396955653]about the cafe, 20pesos per hour[/quote]
Does it have a/c?

Do you think you're good in bed?
If you're gonna get married when you're 33 years old then you only have like 1-2 years left.

Are you getting pressured?

Music genre that you hate?
English, Math or Science?
What do you think of LDR?
Summer or Rainy?
If you have a store, an internet cafe and house for rent, you must be rich?

Did you ever work for someone else? (i.e. company employee)
What was the worst thing you did to your enemy?