[quote=kite;#281014;1346308477]what do you mean Kabuto is out of commission?[/quote]
out of commission = deads

[quote=kite;#281014;1346308477]Right. To maintain his immortality just like what Orochimaru did transferring from one vessel to another.

Maybe he got a good chance to took Obito in Kannabi Bridge while he's dying. Since Obito is an Uchiha too and he has a young body, it can make him more powerful. See why Orochimaru was really interested to make Sasuke to be his vessel because Uchiha Clan were so powerful and Sasuke's body is young and fresh. loljk

ur statement is kinda disturbing bro

"young and fresh"

but I wonder how obito's eye survived on that big rock

his face got disoriented but his eye didn't even have a scratch