[quote=rph;#340653;1373607486]the songs that we usually play to set everything in the mood. Make out music like..Boom Boom Pow and Careless Whisper
Ahhhhhhhhhhh. Won't that backfire?! OMG. I would seriously laugh my ass out if a guy would play those songs in an attempt to MOMOL with me!!
[quote=bobcbar;#340676;1373623329]That's never a bad thing, unless I have a headache
But I heard sex can get rid of headache!
[quote=Tres;#340693;1373626801]And yeah, as sir bob mentioned, pit hair turn most of us off. We like smooth girl armpits
What if guys are the ones who should shave/pluck out their hair armpit on a daily basis and not girls? Have you guys ever thought about that? I seriously doubt you can make it smooth.
Idk why you expect girls' armpits to be always smooth and perfect when you should know how hard it is to get rid of unwanted hair (beard/mustache).